E3 2007 (Excluding SEGA), any ideas of possible announces ?


Staff member
Possible things :

- PS3 price drop

- New Wii with DVD playback (that's what I want 🙂)
From what I have heard the Jap are getting a Wii with DVD playback but it wont be released anywhere else.
Well the PS3 price drop finally happened, which is nice (Amazon best seller).

My feeling is Nintendo is going to stick with 'just a video game machine' with the Wii, just to keep costs low. It seems to be doing them quite well as is. Maybe different colored Wiis? Or a Nintendo recharging station for wii motes?
The president of SCEA NA was on CNBC earlier this week. Did they ever grill him on the price cut. He claims the machine has gotten cheaper to manufacture and that is why they dropped the price. He also claimed they are only .5 million units behind where they expected to be. For some reason, I didn't believe a word of what he said. Sony has a 10 year lifecyle plan for their consoles apparently, and they feel in the near future they will outsell the Wii and 360.
schi0249 said:
The president of SCEA NA was on CNBC earlier this week. Did they ever grill him on the price cut. He claims the machine has gotten cheaper to manufacture and that is why they dropped the price.
I don't think it's just because of manufacturing, although that could be part of it. The same press release that announced the price drop also announced that they will be releasing an 80GB model with Motorsport pack-in at the old $600 price. They're probably not paying much more (and might be paying less; either way the decision was probably affected more by manufacturing volume than by the desire to provide a bigger drive) for 80GB than they did for 60GB, and a pack-in doesn't actually cost that much, so I think this is Sony's attempt at providing something that looks like a much better deal for consumers but doesn't actually cost Sony much if anything at all. Given what happened to the 20GB model (weak availability followed by no availability and then Sony finally announcing that it's discontinued), I just hope that this isn't the death knell for the 60GB model.