FT: Last Bronx, Virtua Fighter 2 and more

I have some items up for trade/sale.

Items still up for trade:

Last Bronx - Complete $15

Sega Rally Championship - CD and Instructions $7

Virtua Fighter 2 - CD Only $5

Mortal Kombat 2 - CD Only $5

Sonic 2- Cart only $5

Battle Arena Toshiden - CD only, doesn't work unless you use the swap trick(free w/ purchase)

Cyberia - CD only, doesn't work unless you use the swap trick(free w/ purchase)

All the games are for Saturn with the exception of Sonic 2, which is for Genesis.

Items that are no longer up for trade:

VF2 - Case but no instructions

Just so you know, the 2 games you have to swap aren't backups, I bought them off ebay and they have bubbles in the plastic of the CD around the security ring. I highly doubt anyone would want them but just incase I put them up there.

The CD's have some scratches but work fine.

Stuff I'm looking for...

Official SEGA 4x Memory Card

2 Official SEGA Jump Packs

I'm open for negotiation on all the items so come at me with any offers you might have.
I had 2 copies of VF2 up there, one with the case one without. I'm trading him the case for the VMU so I took it off the list. Since I've seemed to confuse people with that I changed the list to make it easier to understand all the post in the thread.
Originally posted by Mr. Moustache@Jun 25, 2003 @ 07:36 PM

I had 2 copies of VF2 up there, one with the case one without. I'm trading him the case for the VMU so I took it off the list. Since I've seemed to confuse people with that I changed the list to make it easier to understand all the post in the thread.

oooh I see