Gamecube Max Drive Pro Media Player


If you go over to the US CodeJunkies website and download their product catalogue and look on page 14 then you'll see somethign very interesting. Apparently Datel are releasing their own SD card adapter for gamecube which not only lets you play Genisis/Mega Drive games, but boot homebrew apps as well!

What are peoples thoughts?


Here is the link

EDIT 2....

I fixed the link
Ummm... Link doesn't work...

But it looks like the PLAYSTATION 2 version of the new AR Max has the Genny/MD emulator built into it.

The new Gamecube one just allows you to transfer homebrew programming from your PC to the Cube via a memory card. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Sounds much easier than the PSO trick.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to that. It's supposed to release in about a week, but historically Datel's been crap on meeting GC release dates.
The ladies look sexy.