GameFAQs Best Game Ever Contest is over


Established Member
Did anyone here win anything? I did decently, scored 163, but I severly underestimated the stupidity of the average gamefaqs user. What suprised me the most was Super Smash Bros. Melee beat Metal Gear Solid 2, GTA: Vice City and Final Fantasy X; that really messed me up.
I finished with 107.

In the poll, I voted it as "It's all hype for an average game"

As there ARE better RPGs out there!
Originally posted by Cloud121@Jun 7, 2004 @ 02:21 PM

I finished with 107.

In the poll, I voted it as "It's all hype for an average game"

As there ARE better RPGs out there!

I'd have to agree. Personally, Final Fantasy 6 is my favorite in the series.

But that just seems odd coming from someone named Cloud121 with a FF7 themed sig banner. You should ask the admins to change your name, if you aren't a FF7 fan anymore. No one will take you seriously if you talk like that, when your entire identity here is based on a character from that game.
Well most boards tend to have some kind of bias. Gamefaq's contest would have probably spurred more competition and debate if it had focused exclusively on Nintendo/Square games. But that wouldn't have brought as much traffic to the site. <_<

Maybe we could have some kind of Best Sega Game contest or something. Offhand, I can't imagine any game would totally dominate the others.
Gamefaqs <_< . While I enjoy the actual game content for the site, its easily one of the most childish places on the web with a user age that borders in the early teens. Not suprisingly though, the ownership has encouraged just that over the years, turning an informational site into a battle of the absurd. Their lax attitude on registration, immature moderators (who themselves freely violate TOS requirements), and the ungodly amount of harassment by well over 1/3 of the membership body furthers the site's unprofessionalism.

What they should do is remove the ridiculous contest and focus on improving the quality of being at the site by adding on to what they were originally designed to do: Provide a large database of game help and information.
Originally posted by mountaindud+Jun 7, 2004 @ 02:15 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mountaindud @ Jun 7, 2004 @ 02:15 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-Cloud121@Jun 7, 2004 @ 02:21 PM

I finished with 107.

In the poll, I voted it as "It's all hype for an average game"

As there ARE better RPGs out there!

I'd have to agree. Personally, Final Fantasy 6 is my favorite in the series.

But that just seems odd coming from someone named Cloud121 with a FF7 themed sig banner. You should ask the admins to change your name, if you aren't a FF7 fan anymore. No one will take you seriously if you talk like that, when your entire identity here is based on a character from that game. [/b][/quote]

Heh, I HAVE considered changing my name, and sig and everything. Since I've been using the name for the last three years, and everyone calls me "Cloud" and knows me as "Cloud".

So.. meh... I may be a Phantasy Star Phanatic now, but, I'll always be "Cloud": The VF Expert/Des Lover/$ony Hater//PC Hater/Mac Lover/Whatever the hell I am.... :lol: 😀
Originally posted by Cloud121@Jun 7, 2004 @ 03:55 AM

So.. meh... I may be a Phantasy Star Phanatic now, but, I'll always be "Cloud": The VF Expert/Des Lover/$ony Hater//PC Hater/Mac Lover/Whatever the hell I am.... :lol: 😀

What about your avatar, banner sig, caption, and the quotes in your signature? 😉
I'd be surprised if any gfaqs users didn't see this one coming. Personally, I felt that out of the finalists, Super Mario 3 should have won. That game is just totally awesome.

There are actually some decent boards on the site though; you just have to check out the right ones, and ignore the junk topics. I hang out in the Genesis, Saturn, and Neo-Geo boards a bit, and they're pretty decent for the most part. The SNES board is pretty good as well. DC board, unfortunately, is just filled with people asking about pirated games.
I'm no longer strictly a lurker, but I'm not going to change my name and everything because of it.

On the topic of FF7 vs. CT, they're both great games. But after such a long time, I wonder how another game hasn't managed to knock FF7 off of its perpetual "Best game ever" status.

Like Cloud said, there are better games.
Originally posted by Sundance_2@Jun 7, 2004 @ 11:29 PM

Gamefaqs <_< . While I enjoy the actual game content for the site, its easily one of the most childish places on the web with a user age that borders in the early teens. Not suprisingly though, the ownership has encouraged just that over the years, turning an informational site into a battle of the absurd. Their lax attitude on registration, immature moderators (who themselves freely violate TOS requirements), and the ungodly amount of harassment by well over 1/3 of the membership body furthers the site's unprofessionalism.

What they should do is remove the ridiculous contest and focus on improving the quality of being at the site by adding on to what they were originally designed to do: Provide a large database of game help and information.

I agree wholeheartedly.
Originally posted by Resident_Lurker@Jun 7, 2004 @ 08:45 AM

I'm no longer strictly a lurker, but I'm not going to change my name and everything because of it.

The difference is, you don't go on tirades about Lurkers. It's an odd juxtaposition to see someone say how little they respect a particular game when their whole SX persona is based on that very same game (Cloud is like a lit up FF7 Christmas tree).

I'm not sure one could expect from forums of these popular gaming sites. I've wandered off once or twice, but I really don't post anywhere else because the vitriol of pre-pubescent children is just too much (in my day, we had Nintendo and we likes it!). OMF:BG's message board was pretty damned good... until they had an open beta and the aforementioned types showed up.

And what is this clan business anyway? Why clans? Always with the clans. No one can just enjoy a game anymore.
Originally posted by Alexvrb+Jun 8, 2004 @ 04:50 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alexvrb @ Jun 8, 2004 @ 04:50 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-Sundance_2@Jun 7, 2004 @ 11:29 PM

Gamefaqs <_< . While I enjoy the actual game content for the site, its easily one of the most childish places on the web with a user age that borders in the early teens. Not suprisingly though, the ownership has encouraged just that over the years, turning an informational site into a battle of the absurd. Their lax attitude on registration, immature moderators (who themselves freely violate TOS requirements), and the ungodly amount of harassment by well over 1/3 of the membership body furthers the site's unprofessionalism.

What they should do is remove the ridiculous contest and focus on improving the quality of being at the site by adding on to what they were originally designed to do: Provide a large database of game help and information.

I agree wholeheartedly. [/b][/quote]


I hit up the site frequently for FAQs, info, and gamelists, but that's it.

Most mainstream/corperately-owned sites' messageboards suck

gotta love indie sites like SX
I haven't been to the GameFAQs boards in nearly a year now. I like SX a lot more. *group hug*

EDIT- I meant group high-fives and nods :unsure:
Originally posted by mountaindud@Jun 8, 2004 @ 01:55 PM

I haven't been to the GameFAQs boards in nearly a year now. I like SX a lot more. *group hug*

EDIT- I meant group high-fives and nods :unsure:

Originally posted by MTXBlau+Jun 8, 2004 @ 08:35 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MTXBlau @ Jun 8, 2004 @ 08:35 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>(Cloud is like a lit up FF7 Christmas tree).[/b]


@Jun 8, 2004 @ 01:55 PM

EDIT- I meant group high-fives and nods :unsure:[/quote]

But you didn't edit 😱 :unsure:
Originally posted by Des-ROW+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Des-ROW)</div><div class='quotemain'> *hugs* [/b]

*big hug* 🙂


But you didn't edit 😱 :unsure:[/quote]

So it would seem, but I actually just have the 'edit by' line turned off.

In fact this message has been edited too. :ph34r:
Originally posted by mountaindud@Jun 8, 2004 @ 06:55 PM

I haven't been to the GameFAQs boards in nearly a year now. I like SX a lot more.

I'm not sure that is much of a compliment. That's like saying you like SX a lot more than a stinky dumpster that you used to hang out in. 😀
Originally posted by Alexvrb+Jun 8, 2004 @ 04:59 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alexvrb @ Jun 8, 2004 @ 04:59 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-mountaindud@Jun 8, 2004 @ 06:55 PM

I haven't been to the GameFAQs boards in nearly a year now. I like SX a lot more.

I'm not sure that is much of a compliment. That's like saying you like SX a lot more than a stinky dumpster that you used to hang out in. 😀 [/b][/quote]

:hehehe: :lol: That's a good point.