Gamespot awards


Staff member
Gamespot have announced the winners of their annual game awards, Sega did better then I expected.

3 Sega games won awards:

Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution won "Best Fighting game"

Panzer Dragoon Orta won "Best Shooter"


ESPN NFL Football won "Best Traditional Sports Game".

Other Sega related games made the final shortlist for other awards:

Panzer Dragoon Orta - finalist for "Best Artistic Achievement" and "Best Xbox Game"

Sega Arcade Gallery - finalist for "Best Classic Game Compilation"

Otogi: Myth of Demons was a finalist in "Coolest New Character" (Raikoh), "Best Game No One Played" and "Best Action Adventure Game".

Finally F-Zero GX made the shortlist for "Best Driving Game" and "Best Gamecube Game"

Full results here:
Here's my Game of The Year:

Virtua Fighter Evolution

Not just PoS2, but Best Game PERIOD! 😀 :cheers :bow :thumbs-up:
At least they chose it over SC2 for best fighter. Highly overrated game IMO.

My games of the year are Virtua fighter 4:Evolution, Viewtiful Joe, and Panzer Dragoon Orta in no particular order.
Yeah, I read this thing quite a few days ago...well, didn't actually read the whole thing, it goes foor 17 pages or so. I wasn't able to guess many of their 'picks'. :damn: