Good import Gaming Shops in NYC

Well, I'm currently situated (stuck) in New York City for what looks like to be a year. Being from a state far, far, away, I know the city somewhat but don't know good places to find import gaming. I know of J & L down near the Bowery, but the prices are too high for my tastes. Are there any other SXers from the city who know of good places to find imports or old school titles? Thanks!
J&L is cool, I live like two blocks from there (for around a week, until I move yet again). Haggle with them, they'll lower their prices.

There is one place in the village that has a ton of Saturn stuff, I'll try and find the address for you. That place is just as overpriced as J&L though.
China town has some good shops, I don't remember any names, but they are great sources for imports, however, sometimes they try to take advantage of foreigners.