grammar/spelling/word usage


Ban Hammered
How do you feel about correcting another's posts concerning any of the above?

Occasionally, I will correct someone if it is an obvious mistake or they make the same mistake repetitively. I feel if you don't then they will never learn proper grammar, proper usage, or correct spelling.


(Edited by calganagain at 11:02 am on Jan. 4, 2003)
Ii thinnnk thatt ' eVery 1 iz A purfect spe11er, andd s00 their iz nou reazon 2 try andd corrrect pe0pl3z 😉

But honestly, I think its ok to correct people every now and then, just as long as you don't go overboard, and start to scrutinize every thing they say.
I generally correct people under the following conditions:

1) there's some indication that they're not sure whether or not something is correct (such as an "(sp?)" after a word)

2) they really piss me off

3) they've incorrectly corrected someone else :wink: