Help me derive some meaning from my name


Established Member
This is an official contest. I created the name 'mountaindud' over ten years ago, and I forget what, if any significance the name has. If someone can think of anything clever for me to say when someone asks what it means, they will be elligible to win one of the following:

-Money to buy a bag of cookies of their choice (Obviously I can't mail food items)

-Kill Bill Vol.1 DVD (Miramax R1, the US version)

-A tip on how to better themselves

-A 3-Pack of Pilot G2 pens (Blue Ink)

I am not even joking, this is a serious topic, and there are some nice prizes up for grabs :thumbs-up: Try analyzing any root words, in different languages even, and look for ANY possible meanings.

No, there have been stupiderer things posted here in the past. :banana
I always took it as a shortened 'mountain dude', or perhaps it means that you're 'mountain dew'ed'..
Originally posted by racketboy@May 20, 2004 @ 11:10 AM

I just figured it meant you were a dud that lived in the mountains 😀

Hmmm....I like that.

In case you are unaware of the definition of dud, here it is:

1. A bomb, shell, or explosive round that fails to detonate.

2. Informal. One that is disappointingly ineffective or unsuccessful.

3. duds Informal.

a. Clothing.

b. Personal belongings.

What prize do you want racket?
Mine was similar to Rackets...except dud as in a firework not working kind of way.

mountain dud = a mountain that fails to be a mountain

Doesn't make much since but that's what I always thought.
Originally posted by racketboy@May 24, 2004 @ 08:50 PM

I'll take the "A tip on how to better themselves" 🙂

I hope that tip helped you racketboy. 😉

PJ, you should have said that sooner you could have won. 😱
or mount like mounting a horse ;-). How about this...

Mount (short for mountain) AIN (albany international corp.) Dud (explained above)

SO basically a Mountain of Albany International Corporation's Dud (faulty, broken, shitty stuff.)

crazy aye? Wow I need sum sleep...haha
Originally posted by Pearl Jammzz@May 25, 2004 @ 01:15 AM

or mount like mounting a horse ;-). How about this...

Mount (short for mountain) AIN (albany international corp.) Dud (explained above)

SO basically a Mountain of Albany International Corporation's Dud (faulty, broken, shitty stuff.)

crazy aye? Wow I need sum sleep...haha

Thank you very much for your assistance, I love you.
This is why I post at Sx....the community REALLY gives back ;-). I am loved by all, or atleast Des, haha.

WAIT! Gallstaff loves me too.....there is 2, who else loves me? haha.