HELP! Worms have me!

I have some kind of worm on my computer giving me no control over the homepage! It also has pop under ads with every new page!

What can I do? I ran MCCaffee and NOrton. I erased all temp files and cookies.

What else is there left to do?

I really hope all marketing people burn in hell. Do they really expect me to buy something after fucking up my computer?
the worm made the decision for me. It started denying access to other pages. For example, typing google in the address bar would auto bounce me to THEIR search engine. Ebay to THEIR store. Beware something evil is out there!

Anyway, I think it actually started overwriting bookmarks, disallowing me to erase cookies, and my computer crashed beyond recovery. Factory restore. 🙁

How do the writers of such worms actually expect to profit when they actually hurt the target customer?

BTW, i lost about a month's worth of downloads... I hate marketing! :damn: