Hockey Season Canceled

Well anyone with much interest in hockey im sure has heard that the season has been canceled. I personally am kinda glad this happened rather than the league settling for the contract of a salary cap with no ties to revenue. I just dont get it how the players association can expect everything to work when the players make waaay to much money. Its way out of line that some teams can pay almost 80 million to players while others are not even paying 25 million. I just hope everything gets worked out so we can have full 05 - 06 season.
They have screwed themselves; big time. The guys representing the union and the owners need to be fired. Even if it returns next year; they have lost many fans. Look what happened to baseball after their strike and missed World Series. It took years to bring the fans back.
Yes I agree they they have majorly screwed themselves fan wise, I love hockey though so ill be back watching as soon as possible.

Its a shame though.. these players are willing to play in europe for so much less than they could make here even under a salary cap.. it just makes no sense to me. :looney

Sports players get paid to play.. sure there is alot of work and travel.. but they are playing!! I surely wouldnt expect to get 3 or 4 million dollars if i could be paid to play video games.
this sport, is all but done, if this goes on any longer.. there has been some talk of "hopes" that the season might still be saved... hmmmm