How to mod a 21 pin Saturn

Did a more conclusive test, THe mod works poerfectly. I only had two problems during instalation: I think that the mod was scraping the shield, preventing it from getting to the slot, but this could've been caused by problem 2, so I use a pair of wire snips to cut it. the other problem was that the connector was to wide, so I filed it down. Mod works perfectly :thumbs-up:

Just need tha soldering iron :sigh

E: Got the iron, it works perfectly now :banana
Okay, i started reading the 29 pages of this thread 6 hours ago, and ive just got to the point of adding a reply.

People when you make a comment about your sega saturn on here, post your console information, and that means:

Model No: MK-80200-50 "console sticker"

Serial No: AD63006030 "console sticker"

Made in Indonesia "console sticker"

Date: If known! "not all console have this printed"

Version: PAL

CD Unit Information:

IC501 = 6433612H 64 Pin "located on cd unit board"

ENR-011 (A) EMW10589-002 "located on cd board left side"

Cd Ribbon: 21 Pin

Main Board Information:

PC 80 SATURN MAIN VA PAL 50 "located in the middle on the ton of the main board"
hi was wondering what do i need to do to install a modchip to a saturn in detail please. It has circular reset and power button and basic american version.

is soldering to the 32 pin chip of the saturn really a tight space where making a mistake is easy even if you have some experience in soldering.
Originally posted by gallantwolf@Tue, 2006-01-03 @ 07:43 AM

is soldering to the 32 pin chip of the saturn really a tight space where making a mistake is easy even if you have some experience in soldering.

[post=143154]Quoted post[/post]​

With a 32-pin (and now the mods seem to support 64-pin cd-blocks again) american version, you can ue the method described on page 1.

With a later ones with the Sayno (or whaterever the spelling is) it gets more complex, and doesn't always work ( I think there are multimle versions of the sayno cd board)
Just like to thank RacketBoy for the modchip (Ben, Wales)- works great 🙂

Also like to add (for anyone still having trouble with sanyo barods and the 'chip) got mine to work by using the 0019 bridge, the a-b method, and by filing down the sides of the chips connector (was a VERY tight fit that prevented a good connection before that). Oh, and by following the sanyo installation instructions (by Mike G i believe thinking back... the ones linked to from racketboys page anyway)

Anyway, thanks again, hope this helps

edit: grammar was appalling 😀

So I received my mod chip from Jandamans last night. I proceed to read variuous instructions, both from here (SX) and here. My Saturn is a 32 pin chip, 21 pin ribbon Saturn, the Model 2 32 pin. So I slightly file down the sides of the connector on the mod chip. I solder pads A and B together. I put the ribbon cable into the mod chip, then plug the mod chip in, and then connect to the 5v on the PSU. What do I get?

This exact problem:

Signal wire not attached (0019 bridge):

Boot up animation

Long pause (15secs) at 'Sega Saturn' screen

Two green cubes at the CD player screen

-No CD rotation

Displays "checking disc format"

I don't understand what "Signal wire not attached (0019 bridge)" means, but I prersume it means I neeed to solder the 19 bridge instead of the default 14. I get that done, and I still have the same damn symptoms.

On powerup, I get no disk spin, but I get th standard shattered logo coming together, and then a (long-ish) wait. Then the CD Player control panel comes up, and I get "checking disc format". Sometimes the disc will spin at this point, sometimes not. Neither copies or originals are read (right) at all, no audio, no game data.

I've tried pulling and reseating the ribbon cale and the mod chip numerous times. I've checked and rechecked my solders. The fact I get this particular error seems to mean the mod chip is in fact working, else I'd not get and CD spin at all, but it's obviously not working as it should. Pulling the mod chip and connecting the ribbon cable up directly of course results in a flawlessly working boot with a commercial game. The Saturn is Model #MK-80000A with a JVC CD Board, "ASSY CD UNIT SAT JVC EXL-P608", mod chip installed component side towards CD unit, since ribbon fingers face same direction.
Originally posted by Red_Chaos1@Tue, 2006-05-02 @ 10:55 PM The Saturn is Model #MK-80000A with a JVC CD Board, "ASSY CD UNIT SAT JVC EXL-P608", mod chip installed component side towards CD unit, since ribbon fingers face same direction.

In my experience, with that model of CD board, you actually have to solder to the 32 pin IC to get a mod to work. I don't know why...
Originally posted by mal@Tue, 2006-05-02 @ 06:12 PM

In my experience, with that model of CD board, you actually have to solder to the 32 pin IC to get a mod to work. I don't know why...

[post=146020]Quoted post[/post]​

Yeah I would have to agree, I just ran into a Saturn a week ago that did the same thing. It was a 32 pin figured it would be smooth sailing but wouldnt work. I ended up having to solder to the pin on the chip and it worked great! When all else looks correct try connecting to the pin on the IC. even if you just tape it down to do a test it will rule out a non A+B Saturn.

Ironically I had a 64 pin to mod aswell, and I got it to boot CD-Rs in one try. Strange day in the world of Saturns.
I have a 21/32 saturn 80000A NTSC US saturn system. It has the JVC 605 cd drive. I ordered a mod from Jandaman and I was exited to try it. I tried the A+B method out of the box and nothing. It thinks everything is an audio disc. So then I tried soldering to pin 14 on my IC. That had the same results. So then I tried changing the switch to 0019 and it does the exact same thing, regaurldless of where the signal wire is soldered. The shattered glass sega logo appears with the mod installed then it goes to the audio player. The drive is active and will read the audio from all my games. When I disconnect the wire from the IC or the power the shatter logo is no longer present on boot up. I was trying to boot several pressed sega cd's such as nights and Night warriors. When I remove the mod, the system functions flawlessly with all US games. I haven't tried filing the mod down, it is difficult to insert into the motherboard. I don't think this is the problem because when it isn't seated correctly I don't get the shattering sega intro. I ran into this in testing. I have read this entire thread a couple times and it seems that this type of saturn should be easy to mod. Has anyone gotten past this problem by filing their mod? I already talked to jandaman and he offered to send me a new mod chip to try. Now I'm waiting on that and begging anyone out there for help. Do you guys think this is a dead mod or should I try a few more things? PLZ HELP
Originally posted by mal+Tue, 2006-05-02 @ 11:12 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mal @ Tue, 2006-05-02 @ 11:12 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>In my experience, with that model of CD board, you actually have to solder to the 32 pin IC to get a mod to work. I don't know why...

[post=146020]Quoted post[/post]​


@Tue, 2006-05-02 @ 12:23 PM

Yeah I would have to agree, I just ran into a Saturn a week ago that did the same thing. It was a 32 pin figured it would be smooth sailing but wouldnt work. I ended up having to solder to the pin on the chip and it worked great! When all else looks correct try connecting to the pin on the IC. even if you just tape it down to do a test it will rule out a non A+B Saturn.

Ironically I had a 64 pin to mod aswell, and I got it to boot CD-Rs in one try. Strange day in the world of Saturns.

[post=146022]Quoted post[/post]​


Alright then, I guess I'll give that a try then.

Edit: Success. Ran a copy of Megaman X4 just like it was a commercial game. Thanks for the pointer on wiring to pin 14. :thumbs-up:
Originally posted by Hunter@Tue, 2006-05-02 @ 07:59 PM

I have a 21/32 saturn 80000A NTSC US saturn system. It has the JVC 605 cd drive. I ordered a mod from Jandaman and I was exited to try it. I tried the A+B method out of the box and nothing. It thinks everything is an audio disc. So then I tried soldering to pin 14 on my IC. That had the same results. So then I tried changing the switch to 0019 and it does the exact same thing, regaurldless of where the signal wire is soldered. The shattered glass sega logo appears with the mod installed then it goes to the audio player. The drive is active and will read the audio from all my games. When I disconnect the wire from the IC or the power the shatter logo is no longer present on boot up. I was trying to boot several pressed sega cd's such as nights and Night warriors. When I remove the mod, the system functions flawlessly with all US games. I haven't tried filing the mod down, it is difficult to insert into the motherboard. I don't think this is the problem because when it isn't seated correctly I don't get the shattering sega intro. I ran into this in testing. I have read this entire thread a couple times and it seems that this type of saturn should be easy to mod. Has anyone gotten past this problem by filing their mod? I already talked to jandaman and he offered to send me a new mod chip to try. Now I'm waiting on that and begging anyone out there for help. Do you guys think this is a dead mod or should I try a few more things? PLZ HELP

[post=146025]Quoted post[/post]​

its possible there is something malfunctioning on the Modboard thats not letting you play backups. Usually if the modboard is not inserted correctly you get the two green spheres and checking disk error. Iv had this happen twice to me, and like I said before, soldering to the 14th pin solved my problem so im not 100% sure what could be happening with yours. Id just give it a try with the new modchip and if you experience the same results you could try filing the chip to get a better fit but thats probably not the problem.

My modchip from racketboy (thanks!) arrived today and I did the A+B method with my Saturn model 2 with 64 pin IC. It is working!! It is reading backup cds perfectly. 😀

Just to let you know my Saturn is from US, Model 80000A, Manufactured June, 1996 and made in Malaysia.

Thanks all!!
I got the modchip to recognise the US saturn discs I have. It doesn't always work though. It still wont boot any backups. I filed it down a bit and now it does fit better. I know its getting power bc I tested it with a voltmeter. The switch is currently set to 0019 mode. I have tried jiggling it and proping it at an angle, thats actually how i got it to play the US version of nights I own. Jandaman said he was sending me another chip to try. I already tried having it connected to the 14th pin and it was doing the same thing. It looks at the outer edge of the backups for the protection ring then it just says they're music. I can play the little cd player message off my dragonforce backup I made. Anyone who has dragonforce knows 😛 . Half the time it thinks my US Nights is an audio cd too so I don't know. It works 100% of the time without the mod installed. On a similar not I have another saturn almost exactly the same but it will only boot up properly if you reboot it a few times. You know it is working when it draws the sega glass logo on boot. Otherwise it runs all games with no polygons. Can anyone help me out? I just wanna get down on some saturn like I know all you guys are.
I'm kind of a noob to this modding thing so please bear with me.

I've read the majority of this thread, probably like a good 22 pages but I just had some basic questions.

Has anyone else used a jandman modchip board with a USA round-button 32-pin system?

I read someone had to shave it down (it does seem a bit too snug too fit, so was wondering for some clarification on what needs to be shaved) and he said the A+B shortcut didn't work on his because its 64-pin board chip.

Mine is 32-pin so I'm guessing not Sanyo and so the A+B will work?

If anyone can help thanks a bunch.
Yeah those are the ones I used. I sanded down the sides a little and I got it all installed and used the A+B. But I don't have any backups to test with lol. It is playing CD-R audio CDs though...
I got a replacement mod from jandaman and this one works fine in both of my 32 pin saturns. I would recommend for all your modchip needs. He sent me out a second modchip just to try because my first one didn't work. I didn't even have to send the old one back. I think the modchips have a high defect rate. Well if anyone cares I can tell you that filing or sanding the modchip slightly was required for proper installation/operation in my saturn. I used the 0014 jumper and I soldered both wires to their respective points(instead of the A+B shortcut). It worked on the first try. Thanks for all the help I found in this forum.
I just got a modchip from racketboy. I have a model2(32 pin) saturn. It didn't work at first with the pin 14 jumper but then I tried the A+B method and it works. I am having a problem with Guardian Heroes. I don't hear any background music in both the original or backup game with the modchip installed. Has anyone experienced anything similar with this game or other games? I tried some other games and both the original and backup don't have this background sound problem.