How to play the music files on Tendoweb?


Staff member
Some people are asking how to play the AAC music files here so I made a little post in the Music section on how to play them in windows.

Have fun!
For Unix/Linux, I'd suggest MPlayer. It is also available for Windows and Mac OS X. You'll need to download "essential codecs package", but I would recomend you download them all (under the "other binary codec packages" links).

A nice way to conver them into wav files for bu... From the command line;
mplayer FILENAME.MP4 -ao pcm
This will output a filenamed audiodump.wav in the current directory.

Just remember to switch the audio output back to your original output. ;)

I doubt anybody is interested, but this is a script I wrote,
# Usage: mp42wav filename.mp4

 # Use MPlayer to dump filename.mp4 to audiodump.wav
mplayer "$1" -ao pcm

# Move audiodump.wave to filename.wav
mv "audiodump.wav" "${1%.mp4}.wav"

# This has two purposes. One it announces via a beep that we're done.
# Two it switches MPlayer back to the OSS sounddriver.
mplayer /usr/share/sounds/Beep.ogg -ao oss