Mrr. None of you know anything about OS's... except maybe antime and Curtis.
Cloud especially not.
I don't feel like elaborating right now, but I will later. For now though, I'll comment on the thread start...
I finally got myself a new machine with good specs but I've stumbled onto one major flaw - it runs windows Xp. Does anyone actually have & like this new crapload from Microsoft?
I do. XP Pro has been working brilliantly for me ever since I stopped fucking around with Creative's SBLive! drivers. Before that, that was the only problem I had with it.
I can't burn cds with my 2 usual burner programs,
Odd, the only one that doesn't work with XP is EasyCD, and I honestly hope that isn't one of your usual burner programmes. You might need to force a new ASPI layer, though, since XP's is a bit wonky - not that that's stopped me from nearly killing my Yamaha burner using Nero far too much
I can't correctly install my favorite pc game (freespace 2),
What does it do wrong? What errors does it give? And is FS2 a DOS game or Win95+? If it's DOS you can get various DOS environments to help out. If it's Windows, it might have some problems with Windows NT, which isn't the fault of MS at all. Try compatibility modes. They even help installing things if you temp-set them for the files on the CD.
and it just plain sucks ass a million more ways. I haven't found anything I like about it more than '98 other than it looks a bit spiffier. "New and improved" windows? More like "more power sucking with bonus holes!"
Amusing aside: My 800MHz P3 with (at the time) 128MB DRDRAM has been faster with XP Pro than with 2k or 98SE from day 1. I've never actually bothered to fuck around with killing services or anything, because I've honestly never had issues with performance. I am now, though, since both of my HDD's are chronically full, but other than that... even WITH all the frills, my performance is BETTER than 98SE/2kPro.
Oh, and not to mention first time I connected after getting how I was greeted with, of course, the blaster worm.
That's why MS released a patch for the flaw months in advance - in fact, it's only users' stupidity that allowed MSBlast to propagate. MS issued a statement about the vulnerability and patched it long before MSBlast appeared.
And now coming back to the boards I've discovered that when I hit post it posts but then decides to just sit there with the "post reply" button down making me think that it hasn't posted and forcing me to open a new window to check the topic to see if it has actually felt like doing what I told it to.
In IE? Wow, I forsook IE some time ago in favour of Firebird, but I never had that problem. Check your browser settings, you must have screwed something up.