Ideas to make getting out of bed easier...


Established Member
I was just thinking today that I need to quick hitting snooze so much in the morning.

Is there a good (and safe) way to get one's self out of bed easier instead of being tempted to fall back asleep?

Smelling salts crossed my mind. Don't really know much about them and not sure how safe/pleasent it would be.

Anything else that can ease the transistion from hearing the alarm clock to putting your feet on the floor?
Originally posted by Des-ROW+Jan 29, 2004 @ 11:50 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Des-ROW @ Jan 29, 2004 @ 11:50 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'> Place your alarm clock far away from the bed. [/b]

my wife would probably kill me because I'd let it go too long...

@Jan 30, 2004 @ 12:01 AM

I just installed an alarm plugin for winamp last night. [/quote]

not sure if that would help -- plus my PC is in another room
put your alarm clock in some sort of box with a lock on it. That way, you have to snap to it to get the key and unlock the box then hit snooze. Thats what I do.
Originally posted by Gallstaff@Jan 30, 2004 @ 12:14 AM

put your alarm clock in some sort of box with a lock on it. That way, you have to snap to it to get the key and unlock the box then hit snooze. Thats what I do.

first of all, then I probably wouldn't hear it.

Second, I like to be able to see what time it is (without buying a second clock)
Originally posted by Nadius@Jan 30, 2004 @ 12:27 AM

Go to bed earlier.

tried that -- doesn't help much

unless I go to bed at like 7 or 8 🙂

All my body cares about is what time it gets up.

6:30 comes early
I once introduced my alarm clock to the wall. They didn't get along though, and the wall won. Man I miss that clock. It set itself to the atomic clock.
If you have an alarm clock with 2 alarms, as i use too, then set one for like 3am so you wake up and want to go back to sleep. Then you see that you can and you are happy. Then when 6:30 comes around its not so bad.
Hey thats not a bad idea.

My friend has an alarm clock designed for this exact thing which i just remembered. Its really loud and to turn it off you gotta hit the button like 5 times, then turn a knob on the back of it and flip 3 switches in that order.
This one is easy. Buy a beagle, mine gets me up early morning about that time going BARROOOOOW and wanting to pee. Kinda sucks tho, since in the morning its about -20F right now, -40F with windchill. brr.
This might sound odd, but the only thing that's ever worked for me is to count down from 10 (just in my head, not out loud) and "just get up" when I hit zero. For some reason it's a lot easier to get out of bed with the countdown, but maybe that's some kind of subtle behavioral conditioning from playing too many timer-based video games. <_<
I find that it's my motivation that affects my waking the most.

Monday was a public holiday here in Oz (Australia day) and I was out late that night - untill about 3AM.

I had to get up at 7:45 to go to work . I knew before I went to bed that I really had to be up and ready to go. I woke 5 minutes before my alarm. 😀

Then again I don't need (or at least don't get) much sleep, so that probably helps too. 🙄
man ive never in the past 5 years or so awoken to an alarm. i grew up FEARING the sound of them. its just so unnatural and bad for you to be woken up that way. i still set one but for some reason my body always knows to wake up at least 10 minutes before it goes off. its like its trained to not get scared anymore. but if i dont set the alarm i never get up. its really weird.
Hahah, this is great. I've had some serious 'waking up on time' problems in the past, and sometimes still do due to the lenient nature of my job. Anyway, here's what I used to do when I was single - I had an electronic timer device that had one of my automatic turntables plugged into it, which in turn was plugged into my hi-fi which I left turned up quite loud. I would use that in lieu of an alarm clock and put various records on there - usually the Superman movie theme, which crescendos nicely and is very good to wake up to, but occasionally other soundtracks such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Altered States when I was feeling weird. That way, the only way to turn it off was to actually get up and walk to the stereo. You can do the same thing with an mp3 player and a cron job or Windows scheduling. It's basically the same thing as the 'place the alarm clock away from the bed' thing, only there is no snooze and the sound is much more enjoyable.
Originally posted by Dyne@Jan 30, 2004 @ 12:58 AM

man ive never in the past 5 years or so awoken to an alarm. i grew up FEARING the sound of them. its just so unnatural and bad for you to be woken up that way. i still set one but for some reason my body always knows to wake up at least 10 minutes before it goes off. its like its trained to not get scared anymore. but if i dont set the alarm i never get up. its really weird.

I use an alarm, but I have it set to the radio