Ideas to make getting out of bed easier...

Originally posted by it290@Jan 30, 2004 @ 04:23 AM

usually the Superman movie theme, which crescendos nicely and is very good to wake up to, but occasionally other soundtracks such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Altered States when I was feeling weird.

Speaking of that, and motivation, maybe you can find a song that makes you wanna get up, Racket. The Gap Band's "Early in the Morning" and Blue Oyster Cult's "Burnin' for You" used to pep me up for the day pretty well.
Why don't you use one of those thinkpads and install 'Citrus Alarm'? I wake up to three alarms, each progressively louder than the other.

Yes, I can sleep through a hurricane (I have in fact done that).
The most intense thing I've seen someone sleep through was a BB shot (from one of those spring powered pistols) directly to the head at a range of about 10 feet, followed by one in the nads. I shit you not.
drink a glass of cranberry juice and 2 glasses of water right before you fall asleep. then when you wake up you have to piss so bad it's uncomfortable to stay in bed
Make your wife start waking up first, and have her wake you up.

If I stay over at a girl's place and I have to be somewhere in the morning, I make them wake up to get me up. Otherwise, I can never get my ass outta bed.
Originally posted by Caelestis@Jan 30, 2004 @ 09:39 PM

Make your wife start waking up first, and have her wake you up.

Actually it works the opposite for me.

My wife is 10X as bad about getting up than I am.
Originally posted by ExCyber@Jan 30, 2004 @ 11:36 AM

This might sound odd, but the only thing that's ever worked for me is to count down from 10 (just in my head, not out loud) and "just get up" when I hit zero. For some reason it's a lot easier to get out of bed with the countdown, but maybe that's some kind of subtle behavioral conditioning from playing too many timer-based video games. <_<

I used to do that, now that you mention it. I'd count down and then suddenly jolt myself up. Generally I wake up a few minutes before my alarm goes off.

This is really bizzarre, but when I had a radio alarm clock I quite often used to hear a song whilst I was dreaming then wake up and the same song would come on the radio when my alarm went off. Freaked me out every time.
Originally posted by Myname+Jan 31, 2004 @ 12:46 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Myname @ Jan 31, 2004 @ 12:46 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-ExCyber@Jan 30, 2004 @ 11:36 AM

This might sound odd, but the only thing that's ever worked for me is to count down from 10 (just in my head, not out loud) and "just get up" when I hit zero. For some reason it's a lot easier to get out of bed with the countdown, but maybe that's some kind of subtle behavioral conditioning from playing too many timer-based video games. <_<

well I tried that one this morning, but it didn't seem to help 🙁
Myname: So your saying that you would wake up BEFORE your alarm clock would go off? And you dreamt about the song the night before?

I used to have premonitions like that all the night, but way freakier stuff.
That's basically it, but I'd start dreaming about it right before I woke up almost like I was listening to the start of the song, woke up, then physically listened to the rest of it once my alarm went off. So less of a premonition and more of a case of some alien device in my brain being able to pick up radio waves :lol:
I do that too. I think its because once the song starts, if you know it but you're still asleep, you can kinda play it in your head before you wake up
Yeah, but the song's not playing whilst I'm asleep. The radio doesn't come on until after I wake up.

Back to the suggestions, leaving the alarm a long way from your bed is probably the best solution even if it does annoy your wife 🙂.
I have TWO possible solutions:

One, find a girlfriend with really low self esteem and tell her to wake up first and stimulate you to awareness.

Two, set the alarm on your tv. I wake up to the view. Usually I can keep my eyes shut, but I am vaguely aware of what is being said. Eventually, the tv personalitites will say something so stupid that I need to crack my eyes and look at the screen....

Or you may try a combination of the two ideas. Set your tv to come on playing porn. Eventually, the noise of the porn will make you curious enough to peek (or embarrassed of your neighbors possibly overhearing it that you need to get up to turn it off)
Just start forcing yourself to get up.. limit the snooze button to a one time use thing.. If at night you tell yourself you MUST get up when the alarm goes off, once you get used to that it should work.. This tactic has helped me get up at 5am for work for years now..

Hehe.. one thing i found to keep me awkae once im up is if you, like stated above, have your girlfriend or wife stimulate you.. haha then the last thing you want to do is go back to sleep.. but this is far from a practical everyday use.. :lol:

Speaking of people who cant be woken up for anything... My friend went to pace.. its a school not even a block from the world trade center.. she was in her dorm sleeping on 911 and didnt even wake up when the first plane hit the building...
Originally posted by jeff-20@Feb 1, 2004 @ 03:07 AM

One, find a girlfriend with really low self esteem and tell her to wake up first and stimulate you to awareness.

dude -- pay attention -- I'm married
yeah, so what? Just explain to your wife that you need a girlfriend as an alarm clock so you can wake up on time! I'm sure she'll understand.