Ikaruga High Scores


i must admit from the moment that i heard about project RS2 i couldnt wait. I got the US version the day it came out and played it and played it until i had unlocked prototype mode within two days. That was a while ago, but i dont seem to be making much more progress as far as scores go. The highest score so far that i ave got for round 1 is an 83 chain (i forgot the score but have it saved) I was just wondering if others out there are still persevering with it and if so, what are your scores like (i need to know if i suck or not 😛 )
I still play Ikaruga occasionally, but I tend to prefer twitch shooters. I'm also not that great at Iky, I think my max chain is like 68 or something. I tend to completely suck at it past the middle of stage two anyway.
Me, RUina, and a couple other guys spent a bit of time just playing the "intro" (i.e. the first bit before you see the "Stage 1" screen) for high score, I think my record was somewhere in the neighborhood of 403K. It's surprising how many little things can drastically change the outcome...
A friend of mine bought the Appreciate DVD and man that was some amazing work. That first section, i have managed to break 410K but you basically had to absorb every bullet from every ship and it took me ages to get that right. I know what you mean though about getting half way through level two and then everything goes to hell. I have had the game for this long and i am only just coming to grips with the first level.
Yeah. The part where my game REALLY goes down the tubes, though, is the 'shark-head' miniboss on level 3. I don't think I've ever gotten farther than that on one credit.
Do you mean when it is chasing you, or when it is shooting at you? I find that when it is chasing me, i move as close to its front as possible, then i just focus my eyes on the top of the screen to follow the path, it seems to work for me because of the delay between my eyes and hands, (yes i am a spaz :damn: )

If it is the part where it is shooting at you, then i make shure that i get rid of both the same colour energy beams. It seems if you get rid of a black and a white, it becomes really hard. Plus i constantly use my homing laser on it. Of course the guy who plays on the Ikaruga DVD just makes a mockery of this section! 😀
I'm surprised Ice hasn't jumped in and plugged the High Scores section to the site 😛

But you really should submit it, maybe I'll dig up my copy and try to beat it. I did reallly suck at it tho... Shooters aren't my forté and I suck at combo-ing in most games.

I mean the part where he's shooting at you, I do try to eliminate two of the same color, I usually fire my missles right away at that part, but generally not more than once because I like to try and save some power so that I can get a decent time on the boss. I don't really have much of a problem with the lasers, it's the stream of bullets that he shoots out that always gets me, especially after he starts to increase the speed.

The 3rd level boss is pretty tough for me as well, I just try to avoid getting killed and haven't really figured out a strategy that allows me to hit his 'nodes' all the time. I guess dot eating is essential here as well, but once again the changing speeds (when he starts firing the laser) always throw me off. And then, of course, once I get to the rotating thing in the fourth level I can kiss my credits goodbye (I limit myself to 3 credits/game). I really need to see some videos of that part so I can figure out what the hell to do (I know the general strategy, but I can't come close to executing it).

BTW, has anyone seen those excellent 2-player Ikaruga vids? It's one guy playing the game with two sticks, and man is he good.