Include in XGCC?

For console ROMs I'm used to take my fonts and palettes from binary files.

I always used assembler in these kind of projects.

Now I'm having a look at XGCC. As I see in some demos, all data like fonts, tiles, palette,.. must be defined as if it was to be assembled, not in pure binary format.

	dc.w	0x000

	dc.w	0xfff

and with a .globl directive on top, followed by a label.

I suppose the globl is to be able tu import from another C file using the extern directive. Am I right??

Ok, so, is there a way of using pure binay files for tile data and so??

This is good because you can make tiles using some tile editor like Tile Molester, and then just use it, not need of convert it to dc.w, dc.l,... and so on. Hope I explained myself... ;)

An last question.. can you use ASM inside C code??

For example, in you main.C, inside a function, you want to do some ASM. Is it possible??

Thank you!
You're looking for bin2elf, which converts a binary file into an elf object, which get linked into the project. I'm not sure if XGCC includes it, but NeoDev does.

I would strongly suggest switching to NeoDev, as it works under Windows XP.

I have the linkerscripts and startup.s needed to use it.

Check here for information: