Jap Saturn Power Mod

If I got a japanese saturn and replaced the power unit with a uk one would it work fine or does the main board need the lower power input?

I think the replacement supply needs to match the mainboard; if I'm not mistaken there were a couple revisions of the power supply connection.

edit: I don't mean matching the region, but revision of the board.
thanks you wouldnt happen to know where or how i can find out the revisions? are they on the board ? would the rev numbers for jap and uk saturns be the same but with an extention like the bios?
i thought it would be much better to replace the power board as its easy to replace and means i wouldnt need to take an extra item with me when i travel also i would have to buy a step down converter where as i already have a spare uk power board
It's just a matter of finding a 240v psu that the pins line up on.

IIRC the 9v tap will go unused, but the others will line up and should work just fine - I know that mine does. :)