Japan’s Internet suicide pacts

the news story
June 10 — The discovery Sunday of the bodies of four young Japanese men in a car at a vista point near Mount Fuji appears to be more evidence of a grim new trend in the prosperous country — group suicides of strangers who meet over the Internet. The suicide pacts, which have resulted in at least 18 deaths since February, are shocking to experts, even in a nation plagued by an astronomical suicide rate.
I read the whole article. That's scary. It's interesteing how they have a name for the disease.

I consider myself anti-social, but not enough to commit suicide. I don't want to be mean, but don't they have something better to do than suicide. I mean, come on, you have to have something better to do than that. I still can't see how somebody can actually bring themself to the mentality to actually go through with it.

That's really sad.
If someone's suicidal, they're not likely to be thinking about their life and situation rationally, as we can quite easily do now.

I very much doubt they 'brought themselves to the mentality' purposely, because they 'had nothing better to do'.