Ladies and Gentleman

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Originally posted by Tagrineth@Mon, 2004-11-15 @ 09:27 PM

I used only her image, no identity. And she gave permission. Which is always nice.

[post=123827]Quoted post[/post]​

And with the blonde being real again, I've regained interest in this thread.
Originally posted by SkankinMonkey@Mon, 2004-11-15 @ 11:51 PM


[post=123846]Quoted post[/post]​


'Erotic Fanfic Writers Who Put Themselves in the Story'

Cloud, you're geekier than a Trekkie that speaks Klingon!

I'm about to bust a gut here!
And whats even geekier then all that.

People who hang out on a fanboy based videogame website, but deny their fanboyism!

And even geekier then that!

One who writes erotic fanfics with self casted in lead role for said website and uses said fanfic to hit on woman from said website who turn out to be men in reality!

I would like to make one final comment about the Geek Hierarchy... In my personal opinion, the Vid Game Hierarchy part is a little off. Take my house... we are a house of 4 gamers, all from different game preferences.

Me - the RPG'r

Brian - the FPS'r

Dexter - the all arounder (but NO rpg's)

Frank - the Nonlinear fanatic (basically online games, GTA, basically if its redundant its his grounds!)

The thing where i seperate the geekdom is the fact that with Dexter and Frank their priorities are starting with Pot and Vid games. Where Brian his is Work, sex, then vid games. Me though, it goes sanity, work, sex, school, family..... blah, blah, blah, THEN vid games, food. (yes food is the last on my list of priorities!) I would consider the all around addicted gamers and even the FPS'rs more geeky then I the RPG'r because they can't go more then a day without gaming.
Okay, SkankinMonkey, I think you've made your point. I mean, I don't particularly care for furries either, but there's no need to berate him for it. :huh

That said, I love the heirarchy. :thumbs-up: What does it say next to "video games"? I wonder where I get placed, being a Godzilla fan? Or if my level of geekdom multiples if I'm a fan of both video games and Godzilla?

Finally, Tagrineth's confession has given me the courage to confess something myself. I also have been living a double life, and misleading the members of this board. I'm really a woman. :sigh

EDIT: Okay, that was a lie. An immature one too. I'm sorry to joke around with things like that. But I am a furry.

EDIT2: I'll admit it. That was another lie. I'm not a furry, nor will I ever be. I can, however, speak Klingon. :smash

EDIT3: That was also a lie. Or was it...? Yes. Or am I lying...?
okay okayt alll these confessions!

Now i want to attack the subject that was brought about me saying I was a woman and cybering with cloud(which i plead the 5th on the cybering! 🙂 ) I don't really remember going around saying that to much... kinda joking in one or two posts. If I did, it's probably one of those nights I was in the mood to cross dress, i get like that sometimes! but I assure you I'm a man, a very sexy man, especially when Im in a cute little red dress and stilletos... VERY SEXY MAN! and no, NO pictures!
Originally posted by Des-ROW@Tue, 2004-11-16 @ 01:47 AM


I have a major.

[post=123862]Quoted post[/post]​

I'm very racist, if you consider furries a race. I will admit to that.

And what is your major? :huh
Oh, des can just see into the future... your list of supernatural abilities is growing des, you still dont have telepathy like me, and i soon will have that plug-in!
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