Lemmings 3D

Well, I'm not so sure about this one. I thought Psygnosis did an excellent job of leeching all the fun out of this title by forcing the player struggled with the camera(s) so you could understand exactly what needed to be done in the level. I'll give it two spuds out of five. :)
Granted Lemmings 3D can be tricky to operate the camera, but when you get that down it's just as fun as its original 2-D counterparts... also with the addition of spring boards and other interesting level objects. The only down part about it is the engine itself this could have been ported much better as it can suffer from slow down's from clipping on 3-D objects.

I have to give this game a good 8/10 also for the joint Sponsorship deal with Jelly Bean :D :cheers
8/10? lordy lordy...

lemmings 3d is the game i always use as the best example of why great 2d games are designed to be played in 2d, and how turning them into 3d for the sake of it can result in some bloody awful games...