List of all bilingual Saturn games

We seem to have missed that there's a cheat code in Mizubaku Daibouken, aka Liquid Kids, that enables English mode. Bo Bayles tweeted about this game today...

The cheat code is to press Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, C, A at the title screen, according to GameFAQs.
The cheat code is to press Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, C, A at the title screen, according to GameFAQs.
You hear a jingle if the code works. It adds a language option that you have to change in the option menu (and also a water mode option to make it slightly semi transparent).
The title screen that changes in English is the one you see after the animation if you don't interrupt it.
The title you see after pressing start stays in japanese.
Another game worth adding to this would be Falcom Classics. Ys has a fan translation but the other two games on the disc (Dragon Slayer & Xanadu) seem to be almost entirely in English if you select 'original mode', despite there being some Japanese text at the beginning.

Due to the nature of these games and when they were released originally, from what i gather the manual is almost required to play (I've never played them before so I'm just going off of what I've heard.) However, the gameplay in the aforementioned original mode seems to be mostly unchanged from the original games, finding translated versions of the manuals for those isn't hard.

I first found the info about the original mode being in English from here.
Also not bilingual I don't think but Willy Wombat from Hudson is worth a mention for having English voice acting, I guess it was designed more for western audiences considering that and its art style but never got released over here ultimately.