Loose A/V Jacks on VCR


Established Member
Hey guys, my A/V jacks on my VCR are loose.

Sound doesn't come out of the right side a lot of the time, so I have to constantly adjust the cables so I can get sound out of the right speakers. What can I do to make 'em tight and stable again?
If you mean that the fit of the plug inside the jack is loose, new cables might help, but chances are that the jacks are just worn out and need to be replaced (this means soldering).
Originally posted by ExCyber@Sun, 2004-12-12 @ 02:33 AM

but chances are that the jacks are just worn out and need to be replaced (this means soldering).

[post=125784]Quoted post[/post]​

Crap.. I had a feeling soldering would be required.

Hm.. It might just be the plugs though. My PS2 and 'Cube A/V cables are the ones that act up the most though. My MegaDrive cables work fine most of the time.

Just get one or two AV switchers to reduce the wear on your jacks. It's far more convenient.
What do you mean by "A/V Switchers"?

Are you talking about those "System Selectors" that you plug multiple A/V cables into?

Yeah, I've been meaning to get one of those for a LONG TIME, and I should be getting one within the next month or so.
Yeah, 'system selectors' or AV switchboxes. Radio Shack sells a 4-port one fo $19.99 - I have two of those daisy chained to my television, which is enough to support all the RCA/S-Video consoles that I use. For RF stuff, you can daisy chain those as well. If you use component video, RGB, or optical/coax audio with any of your consoles, you may need something more elaborate, but it doesn't sound like that's the case. I currently have a GC, DC, Saturn, 2 Genesis units, an SNES, a Neo Geo, an Atari VCS, a VCR, a PC, and a DVD player hooked up, and the most I ever have to do is press two buttons on the switches and maybe a button on the remote for the TV or receiver.
Yes you definitly need the AV selector. Then you can probably tape the AV conectors to the back of the VCR in such a manner that you get sound and wont hafta worry about untaping everything everytime you want to swith systems.

You could also just hook them up to the TV unless it lacks the RCA jacks, in which case you are using the VCR as basically a really big RF modulator, and you can get a modulator for about 10-20 bucks and bypass the VCR hookups altogether.