Mario Games

There. I added some of the other Mario games, and got rid of Luigi's Mansion. Sorry about removing Luigi's game, but you needed room for Super Mario RPG and Original Mario Bros.
I was wondering why you didn't have alot of the other mario titles listed, like:

Mario Kart
Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart Super Circut
Mario Party
Mario Party 2
Mario Party 3
Mario Party 4
Mario Party 5
Mario vs Donkey Kong
Hotel Mario
Mario is Missing
Super Mario World 2: Yoshis Island
Dr. Mario
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Mario Time Machine
Mario Tennis
Mario Tennis 64
Mario Paint
Mario Artist (various)
Mario: The Lost Levels
Mario Clash
Mario Golf
Mario Golf: Advance Tour
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour

But I guess their is some sort of limit on how many choices can be available. Anyway, my vote goes to Super Mario World.
Didn´t realize there was so many Mario games untill Fabrizo posted that list 😉 :lol:

Its a very close call between Super Mario World (best 2D platform) and Super Mario 64 (best 3D platform) in my opinion of course.
Hotel Mario
Mario Clash
Mario Artist
Mario Time Machine

I have never heard of those 4. Man, is Mario ever the Nintendo mascott.
I always liked Mario Bros 2. I guess it was all the cool bosses. plus i used to kick butt on that slot thing at the end of each level.
I like Mario bros 3 the best. Brings back lots of good memories. The only mario game good enough to make a real life movie off of, The Wizard.

I have the Power Glove!