Mega Schwarzchild

I recently bought this game, for the sega mega cd, and it seems like a pretty fun game. I have only tested it a bit and really don't know all of the menu selections, but from what I can tell, it would make a great translation project. It reminds me quite a bit of star control. Has any one tried it yet? I think there was also a version on the pc engine called super schwarzchild.

With the sega genesis emulator on the xbox, it really makes a lot of these classic games more "Gettable" and playable, for those who don't own or don't intend on owning the real hardware. Who knows.. Maybe we'll see some saturn, dreamcast, ds, psp, gamecube, better pc engine/cd, pc-fx, playdia, and revolution emulators on the xbox 360 eventually, along with all of the great emulator ports already..