Metallica Slams Bush

Metallica Slams Bush - June 21, 2003

Thanks to: Hotpress.Com

In a candid, and often entertaining question and answer session with readers of Irelands Hot Press magazine, Metallica have claimed reports of the US military using their song "Enter Sandman" as a torture method for Iraqi prisoners as a "tragedy". Answering questions asked of them by their Irish fanbase Metallica responded by saying " That, to me is a very sad thing. It's a God-damn shame. It's a serious misuse of our music".

In offering his opinion of George Bush, band member Kirk Hammett was direct and unfaltering in his view, "He won this election by proxy. I don't think he was qualified in the beginning to led this country and I don't think he is qualified now. In my opinion he¹s got a lot of blood on his hands".

Thoughts on this?

I'll stay opinionless on this one for now, but I think if you read my signature you can easily see how I feel about things as they are.
Metallica........Altho they have some great music (not many tho) they REALY suck when it comes down to it.........They were the ones that started the whole 'let's get Napster shut down' thing (yea......THANKS A F***ING LOT LARS!) they have a pop at the US military for 'serious misuse' of their music



Let's just imagine what the world of downloading copyrighted material would be like if nobody took a stand against this like Metallica did with Napster. I am split on the issue, I feel that the artist should have protection, but again music can be expensive like software, unless you are rich, most common people couldn't afford every single cool thing they like. Most of us here use that as an excuse, hell I do. But it doesn't go without complaining, why does Office XP have to cost so much money, it turns me off. Just so I can do my work, I’ll find something else. Man that import Saturn game is cool, but screw that, this guy wants too much money for it, some FTP must have it. Wow the White Stripes new album is out, but money is tight, let me see who can ‘share’ it with me. Just goes on and on. So I think that Metallica just made things interesting, plus I'm a hard rock metal fan!! But this thing on using music to torture people with is just nuts, it doesn't matter who it is, it can be Kenny G, it is just more annoying than torturing. That's just my opinion.

(cut the caps eh?)
Pirate all the software or music you want, but for god's sake don't try to justify it.

If you can't afford to buy a CD and download it instead, you're breaking the law. Simple as that.

I'd be a hypocrite if I condemned you for breaking copyright laws - and that's not what I'm doing - but I can't stand it when people try to justify it.
Originally posted by mal@Jun 26, 2003 @ 11:12 AM

Pirate all the software or music you want, but for god's sake don't try to justify it.

If you can't afford to buy a CD and download it instead, you're breaking the law. Simple as that.

I'd be a hypocrite if I condemned you for breaking copyright laws - and that's not what I'm doing - but I can't stand it when people try to justify it.

I have abolished CDs for good after I was given my first-ever copy-protected CD, which was Testify by Phil Collins.

It would not play in my computer drive, my portable or my wife's car stereo.

That, to me, is the last straw. I have NO shame downloading music instead if the record companies want to screw me like this.

I have not bought a CD in *years*, at least not a new release.

FTR, I was able to extract some (but not all) songs from the CD as .wav files. I did get all my favorites that way. Have yet to sell the album.
I think MP3s are fine as a piece of software. Actually, ask any audiophile and they'll tell you that MP3s suck. Too much compression, you lose a lot of the song. If I do get/burn MP3s they're usually recorded at 320 kps - I've heard that some people will only listen to WAV files, which are 20-50 megs depending on the song. Honestly, I only download albums to preview before I buy. I previewed Marilyn Manson's latest album and then I bought it. Believe me, there is a difference in quality.

I think the music industry has only two real options concerning MP3s:

1. Create new forms of music media or promote existing "fringe" ones like SACD or DVD-A :

I like this one because, and I could be way off, MP3's take CDA tracks, which are tens of megs large, and converts them to one-tenth its size. I would assume a track on a DVD-A would be hundreds of megs large, perhaps even bigger. Even if one uses the best compression, they would still be too big to regular download. This is all assumption, I would gladly like to be agreed or disagreed with, if one supplies an answer. Anway, I think SACD or DVD-A should sound better than regular CDs today, so I'm all for it!

2. Go with the flow, start distributing albums over the net:

Companies have all ready started to do this, but not to a large extent. Perhaps a pay-to-download version of napster will be created, e.g. 99 cents per song, discounts on albums, etc. Yes, there will be hacking and "freebies" but at least the companies will be able to control it better. I don't like this option because, as stated before, MP3s suck

That's my two cents. Can anyone verify my DVD-A theory? Thanks.
Originally posted by Taelon+Jun 27, 2003 @ 12:29 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Taelon @ Jun 27, 2003 @ 12:29 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-mal@Jun 26, 2003 @ 11:12 AM

Pirate all the software or music you want, but for god's sake don't try to justify it.

If you can't afford to buy a CD and download it instead, you're breaking the law. Simple as that.

I'd be a hypocrite if I condemned you for breaking copyright laws - and that's not what I'm doing - but I can't stand it when people try to justify it.

I have abolished CDs for good after I was given my first-ever copy-protected CD, which was Testify by Phil Collins.

It would not play in my computer drive, my portable or my wife's car stereo.

That, to me, is the last straw. I have NO shame downloading music instead if the record companies want to screw me like this.

I have not bought a CD in *years*, at least not a new release.

FTR, I was able to extract some (but not all) songs from the CD as .wav files. I did get all my favorites that way. Have yet to sell the album.

Ouch! That sucks. I feel your pain. I didn't know copy-protected cds were such a pain in the arse. I thought it only messed up your computer.
Originally posted by tsumake@Jun 26, 2003 @ 04:32 PM

"War doesn't determine who's right; it determines who's left."

That's right. But, I'm not antiwar. Chew on that....

Is that supposed to change my opinion or something?? I wasn't using this thread to advertise my signature, which has been the same since the day I joined this board, I was using it to point to the fact that I'm not to fond of this current administration or it's policies.

I think the one thing people seem to forget when they download music is that they're not just hurting the big record companies, they hurting the artist. And contrary to popular belief, these artists are real people, who live in a real society that uses real money to pay for things. And sure, Metallica doesn't need the money, they've said themselves they have more money than they know what to do with, but there's a lot of bands/musicians out there who don't. But I don't think record companies can really blame anyone but themselves for the current situation, but there's still no justification in stealing.

As for Metallica bashing Bush.. well, all I can say is, did you really expect them to be graveling at Bush's feet? Anyone that has listened to Metallica's music should be able to easily tell that they lean far to the left and are anti-war, just listen to Disposable Heroes from Master of Puppets...

Soldier boy, made of clay

Now an empty shell

Twenty-one, only son

But he served us well

Bred to KILL, not to CARE

Do just as we say

Finished here, greetings death

He's yours to take away

And just about all of ...And Justice for All, and even some more recent stuff like Some Kind of Monster. I would say anyone that has ripped on them for these comments which I posted here are swimming in hypocrisy. Unless of course, you've been damning Metallica for their political stance since the day you first heard their music.
This is off topic but....

I download music.

I'm not trying to justify anything, but I do purchase CD's that are actually good. Also, i've heard alot of new stuff thanks to file sharing on the intraweb; Cat Power, Pretty Girls Make Graves, The Exploding Hearts, Bjork, Tiger Trap, One Man Army, just from those artists i've mentioned, i've bought 18 cds. Actually, it's very much safe to say that i've bought more cd's because of file sharing...

The last regretable cd purchase i made was Oasis' Masterplan CD 4-5 years ago... what a load of chezballs.
I download music too.. If someone tells me to check out a band, or I read something I want to know if they're worth buying or not. I don't consider it much worse than hearing a song on the radio, but I don't listen to the radio.

So in a sense, I'm guilty of downloading music too, but the end result for me is buying a CD.
Originally posted by tsumake@Jun 26, 2003 @ 08:49 PM

1. Create new forms of music media or promote existing "fringe" ones like SACD or DVD-A :

I like this one because, and I could be way off, MP3's take CDA tracks, which are tens of megs large, and converts them to one-tenth its size. I would assume a track on a DVD-A would be hundreds of megs large, perhaps even bigger. Even if one uses the best compression, they would still be too big to regular download. This is all assumption, I would gladly like to be agreed or disagreed with, if one supplies an answer. Anway, I think SACD or DVD-A should sound better than regular CDs today, so I'm all for it!

2. Go with the flow, start distributing albums over the net:

Companies have all ready started to do this, but not to a large extent. Perhaps a pay-to-download version of napster will be created, e.g. 99 cents per song, discounts on albums, etc. Yes, there will be hacking and "freebies" but at least the companies will be able to control it better. I don't like this option because, as stated before, MP3s suck

That's my two cents. Can anyone verify my DVD-A theory? Thanks.

1. There are new forms of audio compression also. The ACC/MP4 codec covers the dolby digital 5.1 surround sound that SACD or DVD-A provide. These codecs could easily be used to rip any type of audio sound into a file the same size as an MP3, but with much better sound. I think ACC is a lossless compression, so the audio is basically exactly the same.

The size of the audio on this disk is somewhat irrelevant. The duration of the song as well as the fidelity is more of the determining factor for how large the compressed audio file is.

2. Along with Apple's pay-per-song service, more is on the way. I think Napster is even making a come back as a pay service.


Taelon, I wonder if "Alcohol 120%" would be able to extract those tracks or copy the CD to something "un-"protected?

As for Metallica. I think any artist would be offended to hear that their music was being used as torture devices.
I think it's hilarious. One thing that pisses me off though, is how Bands/artist/actors wait until they are in another country to start Bush/USA bashing. Fucking pricks either don't have the balls to do it here, or they are just kissing ass of the country they're in.

Ok, let me rant and ramble for a second.

I've recently started to think we're halfway through a revolution. During the past 100 or so years record companies have decided what and who we like to listen to. Do you ever get to decide what new band starts to get air time? no.

Also, someone said that downloading music steals from the Artist not just the record company. Do you know that the Artist only recieves something like 5-7% of each album sale? I think the Artist have been ripped off long enough by the record companies themselves!

I look at modern internet piracy and I see the murder of the middle man. With the help from the Internet, Artist now can create, advertise, distribute, and collect royalties all by themselves to a World-wide audience. No need for some Inc. middleman to steal 95% of there hard earned money. Blockbuster movies can now be created on the desktop. Imagination can now take the place of the $$millions it takes now for overpaid actors, scenes and locations.

Record, movie and television producers are worried about what turn the evolution of modern economics is making. I just see a natural change that occurs through human history into a whole new season. I'm sure people freaked out when we stopped using seashells and acorns as currency, but the people at the time didn't try to outlaw metal for the coins. Let's hope big business doesn't influence laws that slow this eventual evolution.

Actually, most big business that we know today should be worried about extinction. If technology doesn't replace petroleum-based fuels, then we'll run out or pollute outselves to death. Power companies are also probably worried about replacement technology. Which have been suspected guilty of working ways to suppress future replacement technology.

I'm not saying it's justifiable to fuck these biz over just because they fuck us over. I'm just saying I hope we don't allow them to continue to control our market, to intrude on our freedoms, and to continue to steal from US! <-that is us and not U.S.

Sorry, got a bit off topic. but let me ask 1 more off topic question:

What about dead musicians? I have downloaded lots of John Lennon songs and I feel perfectly satisfied. I have music of his that is not available on ANY album. I have recorded concerts, bootlegs, and off air performances. This is stuff UNAVAILABLE for sale. I also have some commerical albums, but I feel like I'm helping to continue to preserve the art that might have been lost and forgotten. This format is capable of spreading his art to more ears than he could've imagined!

So sure it's illegal! . . but it it? If he's dead, and this is HIS material and not the record co. then who did I REALLY commit a crime against?
I don't like when people try to sound like they are god and tell people to buy CD's... I don't support people getting rich and having multiple luxirous off of recording music either...

If you didn't realize most musicians are highly cocky and filthy rich that they just buy stupid shit *MTV's Cribs for example*.

Originally posted by Tindo@heart@Jun 27, 2003 @ 07:12 PM

One thing that pisses me off though, is how Bands/artist/actors wait until they are in another country to start Bush/USA bashing. Fucking pricks either don't have the balls to do it here, or they are just kissing ass of the country they're in.

Or, they know their opinion will be silenced whereas abroad they actually have a chance of making themselves heard.
Originally posted by Jaded God@Jun 27, 2003 @ 07:40 PM

If you didn't realize most musicians are highly cocky and filthy rich that they just buy stupid shit

"Most musicians"? I trust you have statistics to back up your claims.
I download music --- mostly 'cause I absolutely hate buying a CD just to find it's trash.

By downloading it I can get a few for the album and such -- much better than even listening to it in the store.

I also buy CDs -- I have over 100 albums of various styles.

Where I live (Bay Area of CA) there are lots of independant musicians around.

I feel much better about buying albums from them because I know they get 100% of the profits. i think that's great.
1. As for newer Metallica music not being worth pirating, check out their new album. Its the hardest album they've put out since probably Master of Puppets. No ballads, just speed, loud guitars, and good lyrics.

2. For the comment that "most musicians are highly cocky and filthy rich that they just buy stupid shit", I would have to strongly disagree. If you are basing that on what you see on MTV's Cribs, you're seeing a small percentage of the musicians. And for those that do, I don't have a f'in clue what I would do with the money that someone like Snoop Dogg makes. My house would probably having a game room for each system. Many people would think that is strange and a waste of money. One mans treasure, is another mans junk.

3. I have to agree with antime. Plenty of people do speak out against the US gov't. Its just not puplished. Papers and magazine are afraid of upsetting their subscribers.
Originally posted by schi0249@Jun 27, 2003 @ 05:09 PM

2. For the comment that "most musicians are highly cocky and filthy rich that they just buy stupid shit", I would have to strongly disagree. If you are basing that on what you see on MTV's Cribs, you're seeing a small percentage of the musicians. And for those that do, I don't have a f'in clue what I would do with the money that someone like Snoop Dogg makes. My house would probably having a game room for each system. Many people would think that is strange and a waste of money. One mans treasure, is another mans junk.

Well money is what turns the high-profile musicians into jerks.

That's what it comes down to.

The pop musicians just turn into a little toy/puppet for the music execs to mold and use as they please. They just promise them loads of cash if they dress and act the way that they want to. It all comes down to "image" -- it make me sick.

I just can't stand pop music as a whole anymore.