Metroid Prime (GC) Soundtrack



This Soundtrack Brought to you by Striker on behalf of

2005-12-05 19:13        925696        925696  08 - Ridley's Escape.mp3
2005-12-05 19:13       6077243       6077243  09 - Tallon Overworld.mp3
2005-12-05 19:13       4726784       4726784  10 - Chozo Artifact Temple.mp3
2005-12-05 19:14       7147648       7147648  11 - Chozo Ruins.mp3
2005-12-05 19:14       1072568       1072568  12 - Elevator.mp3
2005-12-05 19:14       6498304       6498304  13 - Magmoor Caverns.mp3
2005-12-05 19:14       5634048       5634048  14 - Phendrana Drifts.mp3
2005-12-05 19:14       3815424       3815424  15 - Phendrana [Chapel of the Elders].mp3
2005-12-05 19:14       2308096       2308096  16 - Sheegoth Attack.mp3
2005-12-05 19:15        241664        241664  17 - Item Acquisition Fanfare.mp3
2005-12-05 19:15        239616        239616  18 - Samus Aran's Appearance Fanfare.mp3
2005-12-05 19:15       4352000       4352000  19 - Chozo Ruins Depths.mp3
2005-12-05 19:15       2816000       2816000  20 - Samus Vs. Chozo Ghost.mp3
2005-12-05 19:15       3767735       3767735  21 - Chozo Ruins [Hall of Elders].mp3
2005-12-05 19:15       6219776       6219776  22 - Tallon Overworld Theme 2.mp3
2005-12-05 19:15       3012608       3012608  23 - Phendrana Drifts [Shoreline Entrance].mp3
2005-12-05 19:15       1828864       1828864  24 - Space Pirates Research Lab.mp3
2005-12-05 19:15       1378304       1378304  25 - Map Station [Research Lab].mp3
2005-12-05 19:16       4139008       4139008  26 - Samus VS Space Pirates.mp3
2005-12-05 19:16       8124416       8124416  27 - Phendrana Drifts Theme 2.mp3
2005-12-05 19:16         83968         83968  28 - Secondary Item Acquisition Fanfare.mp3
2005-12-05 19:16       3655680       3655680  29 - Crashed Frigate.mp3
2005-12-05 19:16       7456768       7456768  30 - Underwater Frigate Reactor Core.mp3
2005-12-05 19:17       3211264       3211264  31 - Phazon Radiation.mp3
2005-12-05 19:17       3919872       3919872  32 - Phazon Mines.mp3
2005-12-05 19:17        188544        188544  33 - Chozo Artifact Acquisition Fanfare.mp3
2005-12-05 19:17       2195584       2195584  34 - Phazon Mines Level 3.mp3
2005-12-05 19:17       5406848       5406848  35 - Samus vs. Omega Pirate.mp3
2005-12-05 19:17       5103574       5103574  36 - Samus vs. Meta Ridley.mp3
2005-12-05 19:17        897156        897156  37 - Defeat Of Meta Ridley.mp3
2005-12-05 19:17       2603613       2603613  38 - Impact Crater Core.mp3
2005-12-05 19:17       1630665       1630665  39 - Missile Station.mp3
2005-12-05 19:18       7508350       7508350  40 - Samus vs. Metroid Prime.mp3
2005-12-05 19:18       9547322       9547322  41 - Samus vs. Essence of Metroid Prime.mp3
2005-12-05 19:18       1393645       1393645  42 - Samus's Farewell.mp3
2005-12-05 19:18       4711759       4711759  43 - Credits.mp3
2005-12-05 19:19       4633878       4633878  44 - Mission Final.mp3
2005-12-05 19:12       3657728       3657728  01 - Metroid Prime Title.mp3
2005-12-05 19:12       2633728       2633728  02 - Data Selection Screen.mp3
2005-12-05 19:12       2480128       2480128  03 - Distress Signal.mp3
2005-12-05 19:13       1617920       1617920  04 - Derelict Space Station.mp3
2005-12-05 19:13       5791744       5791744  05 - Space Station Interior.mp3
2005-12-05 19:13       3512320       3512320  06 - Parasite Queen Battle.mp3
2005-12-05 19:13       3328000       3328000  07 - Escape.mp3
# Total                   Size        Packed  Files
#                    161495860     161495860  44

Mirror 1
You have to configure your firewall to allow yourself to download it. Me, I just temporary turn it off, click the link, then put it back on after the download icon pops up.

I think there's a redirect issue. *shrugs*
You can if you want, but it IS a firewall issue with me. I've been hearing the same freakin excuse for the longest time. If they can't save it, and they get a 403, it MAY be due to their firewall.

Case in Point:

You guys are probably using a "cache history" technology that checks what site you were when you access the link. When it confirms that the site you came from was Tendoweb, your server probably then authorizes the download.

My firewall will not allow other websites to see what sites I visited from my browser. Because of this, I've always got that error. Now, when I turn off this feature, BAM! I get the file.

So, if you're trying to get the file, it may be your firewall or browser options preventing you from getting it.
How good is the music quality? I really love the MP soundtrack, but all the songs I seem to get are MIDI files *aka really REALLY crappy*. I see you posted them as MP3s, is that true?
fantastic! nintendo prime is a superb game and the soundtrack is nice and really unique, a must-have! for nintendo and metroid geeks 😀

well done m8