Mondo Homemade Flamethrower

You have to wonder what went through his mind the first time he lit it up.

You think he was a little nervous?
:blink: I wonder how many people will die while trying to recreate one.... And he says that the flame will never leak back into the tank because the liquid is coming out too fast....what if the pressure drops and he isn't aware of this? Won't the flame go back into the tank and explode?
The existence of flame throwers indicates that somewhere, at sometime, somebody thought 'I want to set that person over there on fire, but I'm not close enough to do it'.
what if the pressure drops and he isn't aware of this? Won't the flame go back into the tank and explode?

No, for much the same reason that the same won't happen to the torch: because there's no air-filled path that would enable combustion. If he was paranoid about the alcohol aerosolizing or something he could (probably) use nitrogen instead of air to pressurize the tank. Presumably the pressure visibly drops before the alcohol runs out, so he doesn't end up firing vapor like a big idiot.
Hmm.. I don't know if I would utilize that design as a flamethrower (although it's definitely way cool), but it seems like a very good squirt gun design; I might give that a try.