More saturn mod's


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More saturn mod's

So I got really bored today and did a bit of mod work on my saturn. It now sports ports (those rhyme lol) on the side for s-video, composite video, and the stereo RCA jacks. I also added a headphone jack which currently doesn't have adjustable volume. Next time I get bored I'll add an amp and a pot for the headphone jack so that it's actually worth using lol. If anyone wants pics let me know and I'll see what I can do.
More saturn mod's

It'd be great to see some pics.
More saturn mod's

k, I'll work on that lol.

edit: alas, my dad took his digital camera with him today
; will have to wait til tomorrow night when he gets back to take pics. (I really need to buy one lol).
More saturn mod's

Pics have been taken, however I don't have webspace available for them right now so if someone wants to host them so everyone can see drop me an IM, otherwise drop me an IM anyway and I can direct connect send them to you... or on irc lol.

When you do finally see them, keep in mind that I used way too much wire cause I wanted to be able to put them wherever I wanted.
More saturn mod's

I'll host em' up, because I think you did a good job

Besides that crazy glue job of yours
More saturn mod's

Composite video actually make it look a lot better? Same? or what? and headphone jack.....the coolest thing I have ever seen on a console before, hehe. Like the ol' Genny modle 1 Ü
More saturn mod's

Originally posted by BJammzz@Jul 17, 2003 @ 04:01 AM

Composite video actually make it look a lot better? Same? or what? and headphone jack.....the coolest thing I have ever seen on a console before, hehe. Like the ol' Genny modle 1 Ü

S-Video... Not composite, composite is what he got rid of.

Anyways here are the pics, They were too large to post so here are the links...

ScAReD0o0RaBBiT's S-Video Saturn Mod
More saturn mod's

Actually it has both. The idea behind this mod is now I can take it to someone's house and not have to use the proprietary cable. Also it kept me from buying an s-video cable for saturn at my own house
More saturn mod's

I know it has both, you can use composite on it too because of the 3 av jacks u put on...

I was referring to how he said it.. "Composite will make it look that much better"

He meant S-Video.
More saturn mod's

lol, okay
; In any case it's a really easy mod... the hardest part is finding a female s-video plug. I ended up just using a coupler lol which set me back $5 /me shakes fist at radio shack!
More saturn mod's

Okay, so it was also hard to get an amp in there too, however if anyone else wants to do this you can get a 3way headphone splitter at radio shack... the one with the built in amp
!! for like $20 and it runs on 3VDC
More saturn mod's

I've got a friend that works at a radio shack, but he lives 3 hours away. When I hang out with him I abuse his discount as much as possible, however when he's not around I get stuck with the big prices.