my demo


Mid Boss
hello, i'd just like to show you all my demo. it runs on real hardware so you all can safely try it on the saturn! (you'll need to make a valid iso first) well, enjoy and read the message!
Thanks for your work, I'll try the demo asap.

For ISO creation (on windows) download:



In the same directory:

- create a new directory like "cd",

- get yourself an IP.BIN from SaturnOrbit/COMMON/ or any of my sourcecode or emu or SoundPlayer downloads (all multiregion)

- create a batch file containing:

del cd.iso

mkisofs -sysid "SEGA SATURN" -volid "MyApp" -volset "MyApp" -publisher "SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD." -preparer "SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD." -appid "MyApp" -abstract "ABS.TXT" -copyright "CPY.TXT" -biblio "BIB.TXT" -generic-boot IP.BIN -full-iso9660-filenames -o cd.iso cd

Put bday.bin into the "cd" folder (and maybe ABS.TXT, CPY.TXT, BIB.TXT).

Finally run the batch file to create the ISO.
I just tried the demo. Congratulations, you used quite some interesting features like line scroll and LUT based sprites.

Really nice, seems like you coded all you need (sound?) to make a little game, he?

Will you release source or library sometimes?

If you are interested in non-SBL/SGL code, there is much of that from Charles MacDonald.

Keep it going! :cheers
thanks, yeah i read the docs to get an idea of what i need to do. i also got help from the great people at #yabause. i will release the library and source once i get the foundation done (a better link script and make files) i hope once the library is done, mostly everyone will abandon sega's libraries.
yes it is :) i'll create a game once i understand a few more things (interrupts, vdp2 vertical scroll, scu in general)