
Established Member
Some of you may not be interested, but others may be. I started developement on an Old school style RPG a few months ago. About the same time my friend here at work started developemnet on an FPS too. We have been borrowing ideas from each other over the past ideas and tonight new concepts when full blast. I think this could be a really prosperous new idea.

I cant go into full description, to save my friends confidentiality. But i dont care about my side of stuff. I wanted to develope more into a more multiplayer rpg, but not go the route of MMORPG. I want it more story based and more 1 player oriented with the option of multi-playing. Kind of like FF crystal chronicles, but MORE 2 player oriented and party based also allowing for use over the web. You can play together on a shared story, or go alone, or have some one else come along with you on your quest with the characters from there own quest. My friend had an idea for a more interactive story base FPS. putting ideas together a great idea spawned for a very interactive story. that allows for alot of interaction between people, but no necesity for it. But not making the single player as dull as PSO was. sorry but PSO without online play got redundant. We want to give a PSO feel, with less redundancy and ALOT more story. Also the biggest most exciting thing is the ability to make your own world.... a village with caves and fields and its own missions and stuff in it... this is the multiplayer deal.... you can interact outside of your game and shared quests and join people in vs battle or co-op battle on their own land. Even the ability to battle for there land. Wonder having a town for your clan to hang out in and the ability to get a bunch of you together and conquering someones elses land for your use. MONARCHY of the internet.
Oh, just to let you know, we are staying seperate on these gaming adventures. Myself with my game, staying very 2-d old school, and picking up some of his multi player ideas. and hime going 3d and picking up some of my multi-player and story ideas.

He is a much better programmer then me so he can handle the 3-d aspect of it all... also i wanna port this too the GP32 along with the PC, so i am staying 2d and not going as heavy as he in the action part of the game. and staying turn based.

oh and for those who get overly excited like in my last thread about my RPG, please dont go crazy in here. after the recent events in the general section and the fact the discussion in the last thread. And because the last thread kind of discouraged me from making my game. I felt it made me seem like some bullshitter. But i still wanna share my ideas.