N64 Retexturing projects.

A lot of interesting things have been happening in N64 emulation. Texture dumping and replacement within games are transforming old dull N64 games into something extraordinary. Progress has be slow but several games have had some of their ingame textures redone at higher resolutions and then used in the games themselves while playing. It's a sight to behold especially when you compare them side by side.

Here is a small example from Mario 64 which will be followed with other Higher Resolution N64 textured games.

Here is the original textured of the Mario64 title screen:

Here is the same scene but with it's textures redone at higher resolution and edited.

Here are some more screens ingame of Mario 64 and other games.

You can find more information if you want to help with the projects already started or start your own retexturing project on another game or get the current high res textures at the emutalk message boards.


List of games currently being retextured:
Mario 64
Super Smash Brothers
Legend of Zelda 1/2
Diddy Kong Racing
Mario Kart 64
F-zero X
The Big N' just needs to redo Zelda OOT completely as a launch title for their new system. Would be insane to have it look like the new Zelda slated fro US release later this yr...

I just love how crisp and sharp it is, that shield looks amazing.
Wow, this stuff is really amazing! I'm definitely going to keep my eyes on this!

Thanks for the heads up!
Oh my gizod...This is great! So, to help me understand. These are going to be released as full game roms soon right? They'll be playable in any ROM program, or is there a specific one that is prefered?
Ian Van Dahl said:
Oh my gizod...This is great! So, to help me understand. These are going to be released as full game roms soon right? They'll be playable in any ROM program, or is there a specific one that is prefered?

Rice's Video plugin, available to download, allows the user to export and import textures in and out of a regular N64 game(not the rom). The rom is unchanged itself, but when the game is running, the regular N64 textures are replaced by the enhanced ones on the fly. Once the ingame textures have been exported(dumped) from the game, you can edit those textures and then use the video plugin to import(use) those enhanced/larger textures instead of the regular N64 textures ingame.

You can find more information at the emutalk.net forums.

The plugin and also all the current progress on game textures are available there to download as well. You can use any N64 emulator with video plugin support to use the new textures. If you're a good artist and skilled with image editing software, you can make your own textures and have them used ingame.
ok, so i just got a sweet controller adapter that lets me use saturn, dc, and psx controllers on my pc so im getting back into emulation and these projects look incredibly cool. Is there a good step by step guide somewhere that tells me how to get them working? i just downloaded rice video 6.1.0 and made a folder in my plugins folder to put them in, but im kinda lost as to the naming scheme after that. any help is appreciated with regard to this or if there is a better audio/input plugin available. thanks.

edit: I tried naming the folder the same as the rom file name, the internal rom name, and the name listed in the emulator list but none of those worked. Also somewhere in that process I lost a few things too. Namely, the hearts display is messed up (i have 4 hearts but can only see 3, and when i lose hearts they go into various other weird configurations), I cant see the yellow arrow or red triangles on the overhead map, and i cant see the four indicators when i Z-target something 🙁 anyone know whats going on?