I've been at this for hours and can't seem to figure it out. 1x1 backgrounds work fine but 2x2 ones seem to cause random graphical corruption onscreen. I'm using Sega's official map editor if that's an issue. Here's my main.c file (if anyone wants a full source code dump, reply saying so):
And here's what I get if I run it:
Here's what the map it should be displaying looks like:
Any help would be appreciated. If I set the character size to 1x1 and keep everything else the same, backgrounds do work and the garbage goes away, although obviously it only shows parts of tiles.
/* Pad Control */
#include "sgl.h"
#include "sega_sys.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "assetrefs.h"
#define NBG1_CEL_ADR ( VDP2_VRAM_A0 )
#define NBG1_MAP_ADR ( VDP2_VRAM_B0 )
#define NBG1_COL_ADR ( VDP2_COLRAM )
#define BACK_COL_ADR ( VDP2_VRAM_A1 + 0x1fffe )
#define NUM_SPRITES 200
const SPR_ATTR DEFAULT_ATTR = SPR_ATTRIBUTE(0,No_Palet,No_Gouraud,CL32KRGB|SPenb|ECdis,sprNoflip);
int numDispSprites = 1;
static void set_sprite(PICTURE *pcptr , Uint32 NbPicture, TEXTURE *txptr)
for(; NbPicture-- > 0; pcptr++){
txptr += pcptr->texno;
slDMACopy((void *)pcptr->pcsrc,
(void *)(SpriteVRAM + ((txptr->CGadr) << 3)),
(Uint32)((txptr->Hsize * txptr->Vsize * 4) >> (pcptr->cmode)));
void handleInput(void)
Uint16 data = ~Smpc_Peripheral[0].data;
if (data & PER_DGT_KR)
sprites[0].pos[X] += toFIXED(1.0);
else if (data & PER_DGT_KL)
sprites[0].pos[X] -= toFIXED(1.0);
if (data & PER_DGT_KU)
sprites[0].pos[Y] -= toFIXED(1.0);
else if (data & PER_DGT_KD)
sprites[0].pos[Y] += toFIXED(1.0);
if (data & PER_DGT_TA)
sprites[0].pos[S] += toFIXED(0.1);
if (data & PER_DGT_TB)
sprites[0].pos[S] -= toFIXED(0.1);
if (data & PER_DGT_TL)
sprites[0].ang += DEGtoANG(1.0);
if (data & PER_DGT_TR)
sprites[0].ang -= DEGtoANG(1.0);
void initSprites(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPRITES; i++) {
sprites[i].pos[X] = toFIXED(192.0); //start offscreen (160 + sprite width)
sprites[i].pos[Y] = toFIXED(0.0);
sprites[i].pos[Z] = toFIXED(169);
sprites[i].pos[S] = toFIXED(1.0);
sprites[i].ang = DEGtoANG(0.0);
// {t,(a)|(((d)>>24)&0xc0),c,g,(d)&0x0f3f}
sprites[i].attr = DEFAULT_ATTR;
void dispSprites(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numDispSprites; i++) {
// sprites[i].pos[X] = toFIXED((slRandom() % 320) - 160);
// sprites[i].pos[Y] = toFIXED((slRandom() % 224) - 112);
slDispSprite(sprites[i].pos, &sprites[i].attr, sprites[i].ang);
void ss_main(void)
set_sprite(pic_sprites, 3, tex_sprites);
slBack1ColSet((void *)BACK_COL_ADR , 0);
slCharNbg1(COL_TYPE_256, CHAR_SIZE_2x2);
slPageNbg1((void *)NBG1_CEL_ADR, 0, PNB_1WORD|CN_12BIT);
slMapNbg1((void *)NBG1_MAP_ADR , (void *)NBG1_MAP_ADR , (void *)NBG1_MAP_ADR , (void *)NBG1_MAP_ADR);
//Cel2VRAM(cel_map1, (void *)NBG1_CEL_ADR, 3 * 64 * 4);
memcpy((void *)cel_map1, (void *)NBG1_CEL_ADR, 768);
Map2VRAM(map_map1, (void *)NBG1_MAP_ADR, 32, 32, 1, 0);
//memcpy((void *)map_map1, (void *)NBG1_MAP_ADR, 32 * sizeof(Uint16));
memcpy((void *)pal_map1, (void *)NBG1_COL_ADR, 256 * sizeof(Uint16));
slScrPosNbg1(toFIXED(0.0), toFIXED(0.0));
slScrAutoDisp(NBG0ON | NBG1ON);
sprites[0].pos[X] = toFIXED(0.0);
while(1) {
And here's what I get if I run it:

Here's what the map it should be displaying looks like:

Any help would be appreciated. If I set the character size to 1x1 and keep everything else the same, backgrounds do work and the garbage goes away, although obviously it only shows parts of tiles.