Need help burning for xbox


Established Member
Ok, i got my chip installed long ago but it woudn't read cdr's. Now i have a dvd-rw drive and want to create the iso to flash my xbox modchip. I have nero but it wont burn dvds. Is that normal? what program do i use to make iso's to flash my modchip using dvd-rws.
or flashing his bios lol. There are perfectly legal bios's you can put on your xbox.

With that said, yeah just use the newest version of nero, and goto select recorder. Does your box support cd-rw media? I got fairly lucky and ended up with the samsung drive so I can use any type of media it seems.
Originally posted by Scared0o0Rabbit@Dec 12, 2003 @ 01:29 AM

Does your box support cd-rw media?

Nope, i got me a phillips drive and read those don't read for doodoo. But i might replace the drive cause i may have damaged it.

Anyways, i don't want mod my xbox so i can pirate games and junk. I tried that with saturn and dreamcast and i got no fun out of it. I much more prefer to buy my games. I do however want to try out emulators and all the other cool apps you can use.
Oh, to add, the REAL reason i need a mod, is cause my xbox's hardrive has screwed up on me and "unlocked". I don't even know how considering i didn't have any mods installed when it happen. I hadn't even opened the thing. So i need the mod to get my xbox working again.
The best luck you'll have with your xbox reading discs is with dvd-rw's and cd-rw's, not dvd-r and cdr.
yeah, just install evo-x after you get the bios flashed, the newest version is able to lock and unlock your drive real easily. Another thing that gets a lot of use out of me is the xbox media player. And as I've said before, I love putting my games on my hard drive, then I don't have to go track down the discs when I want to play, and they can stay safe in their cases.
Man, my crazy ass grandma saw me screwing together my xbox, and now she is bitching about how its a machine to set off electrical discharges at her. She is freakin crazy. :looney
Originally posted by Shitface@Dec 13, 2003 @ 10:12 PM

Man, my crazy ass grandma saw me screwing together my xbox, and now she is bitching about how its a machine to set off electrical discharges at her. She is freakin crazy. :looney

lmao :lol: :lol: :lol: