neo geo four slot mb


Mid Boss
what do you thik this could be I tried changing the dipswitches and pluging and unplugging the mobos ,
First, do you have a MVS cart in?

All the dip switches should be off if you want to play a MVS game (dip switch 7 may be on, since it is for Free Play).

And, if you want to enter the MVS main menu, you should have dip switch 1 on.
yeah theres a cart in ive tried it in alll the different slots , yeah thats how all my dips are pretty much
Actually Ive got 3/4 slot motherboards two of them do the problem described and ones really messed up , all eight slots cant be dirty , ive tried three different games kof 99/2000 and metal slugs X
all eight slots cant be dirty

Maybe not, but one broken slot could render all of them non-working in exactly the same way if there's a short on one of the shared buses. Also, I would check that your power supply, including wires to your harness, is adequate and look to make sure that no electrolytic (canister-style) capacitors on the board are leaking or otherwise damaged. Power distribution issues tend to be the cause of hair-pulling types of flakiness such as what you describe.
those things can get damn dirty. also, check the connection between the top and bottom boards, if that's bad/lose/dirty/damaged, it'll act like no cart is in.