New GBA Update!


Staff member
According to CNN, the new GBA will arrive at the end of the year with a price tag of only $99! Also the current GBA will be pushed down to $49! With prices like those the PSP won't stand much of a chance.
Holy crap?? I really can't wait to see what they have coming. I have been impressed by many, not all, of the GBA games. And for 99.99, who can go wrong.
I wouldn't count Sony out at anytime, though I would love to see them fail. Sony has such deep pockets; they can underprice anyone. When it comes down to a price war, Nintendo would be the loser.
ya, but I also wanna see competition. competition would ensure us a better end product BUT I would hate to see the PSP turn to be way huge and pushing the GB into last place.

I do think that the GB will be the winner hs SOOO many years of dominating the PSP will have to have somethin real special to get all the ppl to convert.
But how many years did Nintendo dominate the scene? Now look where they are. Dead last. So many people buy Sony and MS products just due to the name. When, and they will, MS decides to break into the handheld market, I fear the big N will go the way of Sega.