Nintendo64 back up units - which is the best?

The CD64, DOCTOR V64, z64 or Doctor V64Junior?

I pretty much know what each unit does but in reality which one is the best? It seems that the z64 and the DOCTOR V64 are the most popular ones but before I spend my money in one of these I would like to know the opinion of someone who actually bought one.
I can only speak for the Z64 since I only have one of those, but it's a great machine, very easy to use and plays everything except 256MB+ games. An added bonus for this device is that you're able to put a (notebook) HDD in it, which can contain all the software you want and you'll never have to switch ZIP disk again.

If you do decide to get a Z64, be sure it's a V2, since V3s will sometimes have freezing problems.