No Japanese launch for Virtua Fighter 360?


Staff member
Console's low installed base an issue has learned that the Xbox 360 version of Virtua Fighter 5 may not be released in Japan due to the console's low installed base.

Speaking at last week's Leipzig Games Convention, lead designer Tohru Murayama said "it's true" that 360 has not proved too popular with Japanese gamers.

He continued, "We haven't decided if we'll release Virtua Fighter 5 in Japan because of that.

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How bad would it be that the installed base is so small that expected profits are smaller than marketing and production costs?

And why is it the 360 doesn't do well in Japan? Even with Sony's missteps?
MTXBlau said:
And why is it the 360 doesn't do well in Japan? Even with Sony's missteps?
I think it's the library. Probably over 80% of 360's library falls into at least one of the following categories:

- Games that were ported from / designed for PC

- First-person shooters or games that may as well be first-person shooters (e.g. over-the-shoulder view)

- Tom Clancy

- American sports

- American movie licenses

Given this, don't think it's entirely shocking that it does much better in America than in Japan. Even though PS3's lineup is currently thin, MS has sent a pretty clear message that it cares first and foremost about what's big in America. It may also be worth noting that PS3 is effectively a good deal cheaper in Japan than in the US. The raw price is vaguely comparable but I've been told that the big electronics stores there have "reward points" that can effectively mean a big discount on a big-ticket item like PS3.