Nostagia and Age


I am trying to see whether a persons age/birthdate can be used to predict a certain era of video gaming CONSOLE nostalgia.

For me, I was born in 1982 and i am most nostalgic of the Saturn/Playstation/N64 era, even though i was actively involed in gaming for the previous 3 generations.

So i want to hear from all of you to see when you were born and what era of gaming your are most fond of. I have attempted to break gaming consoles up into their generations so here goes.




Genesis/SNES/TG16/Neo Geo/Cdi/Gameboy/16bit Computers

Famicom/Sega Mark III/Master System/Atari 7800/8 bit Computers

Atari 2600/Atari 5200/Pre 8bit

If anybody would like to make a suggestion about my console generations the please do. I think that this will be a very interesting experiment.

So if you could format your answers like...

(year of birth)(console generation)

Once i get a few results then ill run a statistical analysis.

I think that these sorts of stats would be VERY helpful for anyone studing video games so please contribute; the more results, the more credible and accurate this will be.
1978.... hmm... NES, because I had it the longest, even during my horrifically fucked up mess of a childhood. Hooray for escape.
1974 and my console nostaglia covers Atari 2600/Pre 8bit computers and also 8 bit computer (c64).

My first games machine was Pong! :lol:
1980 as well, and I'm pretty fond of everything from the C64 and the 2600 up through the Genesis and the Amiga. That includes the NES and SMS.
1977 - Atari 2600 with Combat was my very first gaming system.

My favorite years though, would have to start from the NES to the SNES era. Nothing beats 16bit SNES/Genesis RPGs.
1985 And I still get a tear when I think of the Genesis....

Althought, I think the dreamcast generation was most popular and will probably be remembered very fondly in 5 yrs time.
1987 - Genesis/SNES (didn't have the others from that era)

Wow, am I the youngest to reply so far? I've been playing videogames since I was 3 or 4 and I remember Genesis and Super Nintendo the most fondly.

thanks everyone for the replies. I have posted this on three message boards and have been getting tons of repsonses. This is really really really helpful!
1982 Mainly nostalgic for the 16bit era. My first computer was an Atari ST and my first console was a Mega Drive.

I'm also quite nostalgic about the Saturn though.