NVSram Carts

Hey guys! Ive recently come across some free 16m NVSRAM chips and I plan on building a Genny cart. I know how to build the actual cart but the programer is the prob. Finding a schematic for an nvsram writer isnt that hard but because these chips are 8 bit wide I'm gonna have to go though alot(well not alot , just splitting any roms into odd and even bits and removing the chips to write them) to rewrite the cart, and I was wondering if anyone knows an easier way to pull it off? I mean like building a programmer that i can just shove the cart into and not worry about splittign files. Thanks in advance for your help
It shouldn't be too tough to modify the SRAM writer HW and software (if necessary) to handle a Genesis cart... since it's a 16-bit bus you could probably get away with just rerouting the A0 output of the SRAM writer into a 7400 or two to toggle between writing a latch (e.g. 74373/74573) for the first half of the data bus and writing the latch+second half to the SRAM. Details of how to do this would vary with the writer design, of course...
If you have a Sega CD you can use your Genesis to program your cart. Just slap make sure you attach the WE lines to the Upper and Lower write lines on the cart port and put a switch on B32 (ground in one position, disconnected in the other). A little bit of custom code and you can load the data off of the CD or over a simple cable connected to your PC.

Sega CD Dev info:


Cable info:


If you don't want to write the software to load the data yourself, I could probably put it together pretty fast.