There needs to be a standard on the internet for encodes.
Anyway, I have an ogm that came with a srt, from what I read one should be able to view these captions automatically, but they don't show up in either WMP or ZoomPlayer.
I converted the srt to a smi (with a vobsub utility), but to no avail.
Anyone have any experience with this kind of thing? Or know of how I can merge the two files into say, an ogm?
Thanks very much!
Anyway, I have an ogm that came with a srt, from what I read one should be able to view these captions automatically, but they don't show up in either WMP or ZoomPlayer.
I converted the srt to a smi (with a vobsub utility), but to no avail.
Anyone have any experience with this kind of thing? Or know of how I can merge the two files into say, an ogm?
Thanks very much!