Origin of SX's Panzer Dragoon Zwei tracks

Origin of SX's Panzer Dragoon Zwei tracks


Recently I recorded some NiGHTS tracks, owing to the quality of the official soundtrack's synthesizer for the level tracks (sounds a LOT worse), and hopefully they will be up on SegaXtreme soon. Anyhow, not to blow that trumpet any more..! However, the whole experience did make me remember SegaXtreme's Panzer Dragoon Zwei tracks.

Having recently purchased and received my own copy of the Panzer Dragoon Zwei Original Soundtrack, I can verify that these tracks are not from that CD, and therefore are probably recorded from the Saturn itself. I actually welcome this - it gives me a chance to get alternative, separate tracks of the two parts of Sea Of Ice (Episode 5), the slower in-game version of Destiny Begins (Episode 1) and the shorter in-game version of The Expected Enemy from Episode 7.

I'm just posting this topic to ask the method used to record these tracks. I'm interested purely because I have previously recorded from the Saturn and it's an interesting experience, and because the few I have so far heard sound very good (I thought they were from the OST at one point!). If they were not recorded, I'd be curious as to the origin of them.

Either way, they are a welcome addition to my collection and yet another worthy download from the king of soundtrack sections!

Thanks in advance for any information! :)