Philips 15PT1767 15in Flat Screen TV

Can anybody help me how to adjust

1. vertical size of the screen

2. how to push picture horizontally to the right

As usually, when using RGB true signal on european TV, the picture is slightly shifted to the left. I need to push it more to the right then.

Also, Mega Drive displays (I think) full 240 lines, but the games are just 224 lines. Tha means the picture is vertically too squeezed and I would like to make it taller. You can also see the VDP artifacts on the borders, which is not needed.

My goal is to cover the whole screen area by the game display.

All I have found out, that Philips TVs should have some potentiometers (?) inside the TV set. But how do I know which one is for vertical adjustment and which one for horizontal adjustment? Any general labelling system?

I have heard that Thomson TVs for example, adjust screen by service menus.

Anybody has Philips PT to give me an idea?

Thank you!!!!

I higly recommend to get a real flat small-sized CRT and an appropriate RGB cable.

I can ensure you, that this is the best possible arcade display you could ever get!!! It just plain rules! It is even better than classic Hantarex and Wells Gardner arcade monitors - the flat type of screen simply blows them away.

But remember this is an Europen TV set that has RGB SCART input.
First of all it is not advisable for some one without the technical-know-how to open a television set because you might get a nasty shock that can lead to cardiac arrest, television sets has a high voltage circuit that generates a 25thousand volts enough to kill anybody also it emits x-ray that is bad for your health if you are exposed to it for a period of time

My advice:

contact an electronics service technician you'll save a lot of time and money and you'll save your self
Google for your particular model and "service menu", "service code", "service manual", etc. It's somewhat hard to find info on, but almost every TV has a service menu. If not, and you're right about it being adjustable by pot only, you should be fine cracking it open -- just be careful. As orta said, it can be quite dangerous, but just don't go poking around -- keep your screwdrivers on the pots and away from any capacitors and the tube itself -- and you'll be fine.