Pikmin or Super Monkeyball?


Established Member
Hey guys, EB's having a pretty good deal going right now. Get two Player's Choice games for $30.

Now, besides Resident Evil, which one should I get? I've heard MANY MANY good things about both. I do plan on getting both at some point. Pikmin is a Miyamoto game, and I have ALWAYS enjoyed his games, whereas Super Monkey Ball is a Sega game. That right there makes it attractive. I'm leaning towards Pikmin. Locke says I should go with Monkey Ball. What do you guys think?

Also, before everyone gets on my case: Yes, I am getting Eternal Darkness along with REmake, and Pikmin/Monkey Ball.
Super Monkey Ball, hands down. shell out an extra few bucks to get the 2nd one and you won't regret it.

oh, and next time you make a poll, actually use it :slap

Well much as jeff-20 said in another post, I took a break for a few days, come back, and suddenly everything seems to be back to normal. I haven't played monkeyball, though I hear it's good. I do own pikmin. Pikmin is interesting to say the least, and highly entertaining to a degree, however you feel really rushed when playing it. You only have 30 in game days to find 30 parts of your ship, or you fail. If that restriction hadn't been placed you would actually have time to explore and stuff, but the game definetly has it's entertainment value. You'll feel SO horrible when you screw up and leave a pikmin out at night and have to watch this monster like eat it and stuff!

Edit: so I see this warn 0% thing next to my name, does everyone see their own warning level, or should I be concerned?

Edit: And if I'm at 0% why are there multiple bars next to it? *paranoid*
The warning system has been around for quite some time, but you guys couldn't see it. None of the admins or mods had noticed that fact. :lol:

You've got nothing to worry about, but a little paranoia doesn't go astray. 😉
If I was you.....I would shell out the extra $$ and get SMB2. I am glad to see you finally picked up Eternal Darkness (I would love to hear your opinion on it in a PM). For me, I played super monkey ball more than I did Pikmin. Pikmin was fun....but durring the days when I had those games, I played MUCH more of my DC and Saturn so it didn't really get played :-\. Either was they are both great games II highly reccomend you get both sumday. SMB is the GREATEST party game....well that and Mario Party (and winter heat/decathalete if you like those sort of games).

Also, it's already been stated but try over at NX, they'll help you out A LOT more w/ your Nintendo stuff. Trust me, they dont bite 🙂.
Originally posted by BJammzz@Dec 29, 2003 @ 10:01 PM

I am glad to see you finally picked up Eternal Darkness (I would love to hear your opinion on it in a PM).

I hear that Nintendoxtreme is a great place to talk about games. 😉
haha, I really just want to know his personal opinion (mostly because he seems to be a big RE fan and the games are similar in a few respects) but yes Mal, if I ever have a Nintendo question I will go over to NX......I really think it should be banned here to talk about the Nintendo stuff specifically (this thread is a great example). Yes it is also talking about SMB but it's more about what game should I get for my cube then about SMB. but ya, I think a good step in helping NX out is to close every thread that belongs over at NX and then PMing the topic starter and directing him ot our sistersite NX......I think it would be a good thing for NX as well as SX.
Hm.... turns out I got some more time to decide. Given what Scared0oo0Rabbit said, I'm still leaning towards Pikmin, but not as much. Hm.... Monkeyball does sound interesting....

Edit: I just read about all of Monkeyball's various mini-games, and now it REALLY has got me interested. I'm leaning Monkeyball now! However, can the mini-games be played single-player?
I'd go with Monkey Ball too, you'll go back to it all the time which you probably won't with Pikmin. Plus there's the multiplayer.

Yes you can play the minigames by yourself. Monkey Billiards and Monkey Golf are almost good enough to be standalone games IMO, and you know Monkey Race is good with the great racing games Amusement Vision have made.