Playing Saturn Carts

I was looking at my cool carts for the saturn. such as, the King of Fighters cart. So, I started to think: This is why the saturn is so cool. It is like the missing-link in the evolution from carts to CD.

Why didn't they make a cart only game? I know CDs are cheaper to produce, but a cart would sell more out of novelty. Sega knows this; hence, the analogue pad sold well.

I am guessing a Saturn game on a cart would offer instant loads and have a novel appeal. The CD could be used to add bonus levels or other details to the cart game as an optional addition. Sounds cool?

So, here is my next idea. IS it possible to make a cart games now? Not to burn a new flash cart, but to use the memory carts already available. Is it possible to load a program from the flash memory on the cart to system ram? Perhaps a boot CD will be necessary.

Anyone think this is possible?
Carts are expensive and are restricted in size.

I don't know if the Saturn can boot straight from cartridge, the tech bulletin on ROM carts is vague and states that the capability to have any code on a cart "may be removed". The Action Replay at least appears to use some trick to run and does not conform to the specifications in that document. With a boot CD, no problem.
I vaguely recall that one old Saturn dev doc (maybe the 'temporary' overview) mentioned both cartridge games and CD games... also, the PSY-Q cartdev system could be upgraded with like 32 megs of RAM making it more like a game cart... figure that was easier than using the virtual CD system.

Making your own game cart is a great idea (maybe some fun project for the summer
), although I wouldn't know where to get an edge connector that fits, or even the pinout of the cart port
the saturn can definatley boot from the cart.

there was ONE single solitary saturn game made on cart.

i have no idea what it was called or what you do BUT

1) it was a japanese game

2) it was extremely shit

i believe i read this in the official saturn magazine a few years back. someone wrote in asking the same thing really.

i'm gonna wander off and search for the magazine, see if i can name the game for you...
Originally posted by WiseMan@Jun 19, 2003 @ 12:48 PM

the saturn can definatley boot from the cart.

there was ONE single solitary saturn game made on cart.

i have no idea what it was called or what you do BUT

1) it was a japanese game

2) it was extremely shit

i believe i read this in the official saturn magazine a few years back. someone wrote in asking the same thing really.

i'm gonna wander off and search for the magazine, see if i can name the game for you...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone find the name of that game!
i looked but i cant find the magazine, i think it was in a friends magazine i borrowed for a time.

searched the net and cant find anything either.

so all i can tell you is there is one and one alone.


p.s you spelt signature wrong in your signature...