Police Officer Smith WIP

vbt said:
I've read also that a demo will come soon :)

Arnold and the other guys involved seem to make great progress on the project. Unfortunately, I don't, since it's like I don't have any time - as you can see from the lack of updates of my website and all the stuff (C4...) involved.

Still, my motivation is high. I've written some nice code to use Saturn hires features and do some image transitions. (You quickly reach the video memory limits with two hires images.)

THE PROJECT HAS NOT DIED, and also never becomes.

Now it's time to experience more about the Charakters in POS.

You can find Pictures and a little description over the most important people in POS and a great soundtrack is playing in the background.

vbt said:
Now the trailer :rock:

Yeah, I'm pretty much fascinated, too. It revives that old genre, that feels good.

BTW: I've took up the work on POS, again. Decision was made to use Lua. Lua already runs on Saturn, reading files from CD and using all available RAM by using BGET buffer memory allocator (like Save Game Manager).

I will use LZO for compression, as it is more efficient and much much faster than DHUFF.

Lua will give a clean border between platform independent code and platform specific stuff. Furthermore, it'll speed up my development cycle, because once the basic C functionas are connected to Lua, I don't need to recompile anymore.

An SDL-Version may also be done, using SMPEG for videos.