Portable Screens...


Established Member
Hey guys, I have some questions about the screens for my portable systems.

This first one is most important:

On my GameBoy and Game Gear, when you look at the screen, you see these white particles under the screen. What exactly is that, and how did it get in there? Is there anyway to get it out?


My Game Gear screen is scratched to death (obviously due to sitting under a pile of games...), what can I do for it? Also, my Nomad screen is scratched a little as well. It's not that big of a deal, as they're hardly noticable, but just in case, what can I do for it as well? I know of the replacement screens, but aren't those just plastic film things you put over the screen? Also, are there replacement screens for Game Gear?

What exactly IS a replacement screen?
Originally posted by RolfWrenWalsh@Aug 10, 2004 @ 06:32 PM

I figured it was dust..

How the hell do I get it out of there though?

If you want it out that badly, remove the plastic screen cover thingy, and CAREFULLY pull it off by pressing scotch tape onto the dust, and even more carefully pulling the tape off. Use the weaker tape that isn't totally transparent. If you use the really tough clear kind it will leave marks on your screen.

An even better method would be to get a can of compressed air and spray it out.