Project 64 1.6

2005/04/01 - 1.6 release zilmar

The project 64 team are happy to release project64 1.6. Jabo and I are extremely busy these days but do find time now and then to work on project 64. We are both extremely happy with the stability and compatibility of project64. There have been some small issues that we wanted to fix to give the users a better experience. For example Donkey Kong 64 now runs smoothly, Zelda start menus react quickly, memory usage is now lower, Jabo has created a new direct 3d 8 version of his plug-in, and many more change, have a look at the what's new document. Smiff is still missing in action, so the rest of the test team especially gent has done an excellent job of helping pulling things together for this release. Download it from the download page and discuss it this thread.

This release fixed many games glitches and bugs apparently Golden Eye runs even better! Download it from here
Don't get fooled by the April 1st its for real 😉
with surreal it's pretty nice. a lot of the older games are perfect (mario). maybe a texture prob. here and there but nothing that wont let u enjoy the game a lot.

Snowboard Kids is one of my most fave N64 games, specially multiplayer and it has slowdown issues, infact the whole game (minus menues) runs real slow, kinda shitty.

Most games are playable, but quite a few of them have texture probs and slowdown probs. It's worth a mess around w/ if u have a modded xbox for sure...
Because those are totally different things and I'm not sure what do you mean by selfbooting in a Nintendo console, N64 uses carts that can be backuped using a copier and later you can play on an emulator and take advantages of the nice thinks you can do in a emu or you can play the rom back on the N64 again with the backup device and store the carts in a safe place.
Self-booting is for GC. And it's not like it's very different. Both things are practically illegal. Yes, I know roms are not illegal if you own the real game, but who actually abides by that?
If nothing else it comes down to the fact that the GameCube is a current generation console that is still (in theory) making money for Nintendo.
Yes, I know, it doesn't make it any more legal to pirate (or media shift for those with the hardware) N64 games, but there is a slight moral difference as far as NX is concerned.
Media shifting should be legal, at least in the US, but I can't find the case law to back this up more specifically for computer/console programs. Nintendo denies this, and IIRC I've seen a couple generally non-clueless people take their position, but I think that's based on a misunderstanding of copyrights in "mask works".