Quiting a job


Established Member
Right now I'm a COBOL programmer who's worked for this non-profit for 3 years

I'm planning on quitting my job to go back to school out of state full time for a year.

To ease the blow, I'm asking if I can take a "leave" aka maybe comeback (even though I don't plan on it).

I've had this planned since January since I've needed to stash cash in order to pay for both my wife and my schooling without working. I didn't want to mention it earlier for fear that I might be let off earlier than I wanted. So now it's pretty much time for a two weeks notice.

Since I am a programmer and we do have a number of projects going on, I know my boss is going to be a least slightly bothered that I didn't come to him earlier.

What should my excuse be for not mentioning it earlier?

I relize it's really his problem and not mine, but is there anything I could say to make there be less tension? I mean theoretically, I have to put up with the situation for two more weeks.

Also he did mention when I was hired to let him know in advance if there was a situation such as this.
well for one, next Tuesday is two weeks

second, I didn't want to get let off extra early because I need the money
I can't think of a good way of getting out of this, but whatever you do, do it really soon or it's just going to get worse.
well I really wasn't going to let him know way in advance. It's way too much of a risk. It's not like I'm going to another job. I need to go to school out of state full time.
Just tell him that your housing situation was uncertain and that you didn't know when exactly you'd have to leave, and that it came up sooner than you expected. Even if he doesn't believe you, it'll keep him off your back.
Originally posted by racketboy@Jul 16, 2004 @ 04:50 PM

well I really wasn't going to let him know way in advance. It's way too much of a risk. It's not like I'm going to another job. I need to go to school out of state full time.

Don't let it get to you so much, man. It's not like you WANT things to turn out this way, otherwise you wouldn't be stressed out over it, now would you? Do what you have to do. It's not like you're on your own anymore, remember that.
You could also offer to help finish any projects you are currently involved in on a freelance basis, if they'll let you take the work with you to finish. IE: finish it out of state and send them the final data files (on CD, ZIP disc, FTP, e-mail, whatever suits them).
Originally posted by VertigoXX@Jul 17, 2004 @ 03:35 PM

You could also offer to help finish any projects you are currently involved in on a freelance basis, if they'll let you take the work with you to finish. IE: finish it out of state and send them the final data files (on CD, ZIP disc, FTP, e-mail, whatever suits them).

That's a good idea, but if you do it don't let it go too far ...
Originally posted by racketboy@Jul 16, 2004 @ 05:57 PM

What do you mean by that?

I'm saying like for me, being single, I can just kind of do whatever. I'm responsible for me and myself, and my decisions affect ONLY me. So don't get so bent out of shape over this. You're doing something because you have to, not because you want to.
well today is the day as long as my boss is still in a decent mood.

I'm doing it a couple days early, but I figure Monday would be good for it.

I'll be taking most of your suggestions.

Wish me luck -- at around 4pm Pacific time
If worse comes to worse we can just have him disappeared for you. Or at least slash his tires. Come on. Think about it.
I survived

And I'm still employed for the next 2 weeks.

And my boss actually thought it was the right choice on my end.

I can sleep easy now.
Glad to hear that. Quiting a job is always nerve racking for me. I always feel bad. Even when the situation is beyond your control.