racket's NEW Classic Gaming Blog


Established Member
racket's NEW Classic Gaming Blog

OK, I've gotten into the whole blogging thing now.

I love to use Bloglines to keep track of updates to my favorite news sites and other blogs. It's a nice way to keep on top of stuff and have some unique things to read during the day. And with a RSS/Atom reader I don't have to visit a whole bunch of sites all the time.

Anyway, I've decided to start a blog to make notes of interesting things I stumble across that impact my classic gaming lifestyle. It's mostly for people like me who don't really have much in terms of "next gen" systems. The newest system I have is the Dreamcast and the GBA. I enjoy playing on classic systems and using emulators. I don't feel compelled to buy many new games since there are so many classics that I still have yet to play. Anyway, if that sounds like you, then you might want to check out my blog.

I also wanted to start writting more, so I figured a blog was a good place to do it. Now I'm still going to contribute here at SX too -- I'm not trying to draw anyone away from this great place. In fact, I hope to link to stuff here quite often. And many things I write for my blog I will post here as well.

But since this project is only 2 days old, I would like your opinions. Just critique whatever. If you have any ideas, just let me know.

Here's the link:


And if you would like an Atom feed, here that is:

racket's NEW Classic Gaming Blog

Racket, I'm getting some serious errors with your page while using Firefox:


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racket's NEW Classic Gaming Blog

Excellent site, already found some information i didn't even realize was out there. I have bookmarked and will stay faithful to this for sure. Always great to see someone is in the gap between new and old but still appreciates both.

I'm in :wub: with this idea and excellent color scheme for the main page.
racket's NEW Classic Gaming Blog

thanks for the comments guys.

I've gotten garbled text before -- must be something with Blogger.

Sometimes if I reload the page it's fine.
racket's NEW Classic Gaming Blog

anybody know any little add-ons that would be handy?

don't know if anyone else on here is a blogger
racket's NEW Classic Gaming Blog

i like shoutboxes... help the processes of blogs when you get a deadicated fanbase.
racket's NEW Classic Gaming Blog

every now and then I still get that garbled text stuff and have to reload.

is the server just being dumb or what?

BTW, I'm in Yahoo's RSS directory -- very cool!
racket's NEW Classic Gaming Blog

well I've added a few more subscription methods.

Is anyone on here visiting my blog? or subscribing via a feed?

I know there's a couple SXers that have mentioned they enjoyed it, but if anyone else has, lemme know 🙂

It's nice to know I'm not just talking to nobody.

BTW, right now I have about 20 unique visits each day on average, but that's only to the actual site and not from feeds.
racket's NEW Classic Gaming Blog

I click on the banner in your sig every time I see one of your posts, so you could say I am a regular visitor.
racket's NEW Classic Gaming Blog

updated the design a bit

added Google seach (and ads)

also I'm starting to catagorize my archives